11-4  限额以上批发零售贸易、餐饮业基本情况 (2000年)
              Item 法人企业
 Number of Corporative Enterprises
 Number of Economic Unit (unit)
Number of Employees
                              Total 682     682     132359    
一、批发业        Wholesale Trades 319     319     50787    
            内资企业            Domestic-funded Enterprises 319     319     50787    
                国有企业                    State-owned Enterprises 259     259     39139    
                集体企业                    Collective-owned Enterprises 38     38     7433    
                股份合作企业                Cooperative Enterprises 3     3     464    
                联营企业                    Joint Ownership Enterprises 2     2     201    
                    国有联营企业                       State Joint Ownership Enterprises 1     1     95    
                    集体联营企业                       Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises 1     1     106    
                有限责任公司                   Limited liability Corporations 11     11     2822    
                    国有独资企业                       State-Funded Corporations 1     1     1228    
                    其他有限责任公司                   Other Limited Liability Corporations 10     10     1594    
                股份有限公司                 Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 4     4     553    
                私营企业              Private-owned Enterprises 2     2     175    
                    私营有限责任公司                  Private Limited Liability Corporations 2     2     175    
二、零售业        Retail Sale Trades 316     316     73382    
            内资企业            Domestic-funded Enterprises 316     316     73382    
                国有企业                State-owned Enterprises 176     176     39285    
                集体企业                Collective-owned Enterprises 54     54     7995    
                股份合作企业            Cooperative Enterprises 6     6     1632    
                联营企业                Joint Ownership Enterprises 2     2     457    
                    国有联营企业               State Joint Ownership Enterprises 2     2     457    
                有限责任公司            Limited Liability Corporations 37     37     9060    
                    国有独资企业                State-Funded Corporations 2     2     572    
                    其他有限责任公司                Other Limited Liability Corporations 35     35     8488    
                股份有限公司              Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 24     24     10342    
                私营企业                  Private-owned Enterprises 17     17     4611    
                    私营独资企业                   Private-Funded Enterprises 3     3     288    
                    私营合伙企业                   Private Partnership Enterprises 1     1     56    
                    私营有限责任公司               Private Limited Liability Corporations 11     11     4136    
                    私营股份有限公司               Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 2     2     131    
三、餐饮业        Catering Trades 47     47     8190    
            内资企业          Domestic-funded Enterprises 41     41     7404    
                国有企业                  State-owned Enterprises 17     17     3015    
                集体企业                  Collective-owned Enterprises 4     4     648    
                联营企业                  Joint ownership Enterprises 1     1     121    
                    国有与集体联营企业                Joint State-collective Enterprises 1     1     121    
                有限责任公司              Limited liability Corporations 4     4     870    
                    其他有限责任公司                  Other Limited liability Corporations 4     4     870    
                股份有限公司              Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 1     1     178    
                私营企业                  Private-owned Enterprises 14     14     2572    
                    私营独资企业                    Private-Funded Enterprises 10     10     2018    
                    私营有限责任公司                Private Limited Liability Corporations 2     2     449    
                    私营股份有限公司                Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 2     2     105    
             港、澳、台商投资企业               Enterprises with Investment from Hong   2     2     397    
                   Kong, Macao and Taiwan  
                 合资经营企业                  Joint Venture Enterprises 2     2     397    
             外商投资企业                  Enterprises with Foreign Investment 4     4     389    
                 中外合资经营企业                  Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Enterprises 3     3     258    
                 中外合作经营企业                  Sino-Foreign Cooperation Enterprises 1     1     131