7-16  畜牧业生产情况
                             Item 1990 1995 2000
一.大牲畜年末存栏     (万头) Larger Animals at Year-end (10 000 heads) 293.17  358.57  309.26 
         #从事农事劳役的        Drough 215.57  236.78  190.47 
   1.牛                            (万头)       Cattle and Buffaloes(10 000 heads) 179.28  251.65  225.01 
      #良种及改良种乳牛           Milch Cows of Fine Breed and Improved Varieties 8.17  10.56  12.65 
   2.马                            (万匹)       Horses  (10 000 heads) 11.24  9.71  5.78 
   3.驴                            (万头)       Donkeys (10 000 heads) 49.22  46.38  37.21 
   4.骡                            (万头)       Mules   (10 000 heads) 53.43  50.82  41.26 
二.猪年末存栏 (万头) Number of Hogs at Year end (10 000 heads) 363.14  560.99  519.52 
         #能繁殖的母猪           Reproducable Hogs 38.33  49.54  43.34 
三.羊年末存栏 (万只) Sheep and Goats at Year-end (10 000 heads) 709.58  915.01  1058.42 
         1.山                     Goats 303.92  408.03  474.86 
         2.绵                     Sheep 405.66  506.98  583.57 
四.家禽年末存栏 (万只) Poultry at Year-end   (10 000 heads) 4095.89  6720.06  6462.09 
五.养蜂年末箱数 (万箱) Number of Beehives (10 000 boxes) 12.82  13.59  12.16 
六.养兔年末存栏 (万只) Rabbits at Year-end (10 000 heads) 228.14  268.65  248.28 
七.猪、牛、羊出栏            Slaughtered Pork,Beef and Mutton                           
         猪全年出栏 (万头)    Slaughtered Pork in the Year (10 000 heads) 308.59  569.36  589.92 
         牛全年出栏 (万头)    Slaughtered Bee in the Year (10 000 heads) 20.63  51.21  53.74 
         羊全年出栏 (万只)    Slaughtered Mutton in the Year (10 000 heads) 286.33  379.72  478.80 
八.当年肉类总产量 (万吨) Total Output of Meat (10 000 tons) 31.86  60.97  65.05 
       #猪肉产量               Pork 22.45  43.44  44.90 
         牛肉产量               Beef 2.79  7.04  7.32 
         羊肉产量               Mutton 4.03  5.60  7.03 
         禽肉产量               Poultry 1.54  3.44  4.39 
         兔肉产量               Rabbit 0.76  0.83  0.70 
九.畜禽产品产量       (吨)         Output of Poulty Product  (ton)                           
        1.奶                 (吨)       Milk  179277 292851 359128
            #牛              (吨)          Cow Milk 159835 260191 335266
       2.绵羊毛产量      (吨)      Sheep Wool 5608 7357 7287
       3.山羊毛产量      (吨)      Goats Wool 936 1362 1659
       4.羊绒产量          (吨)      Cashere 344 492 632
       5.禽蛋产量          (吨)      Poultry Eggs 159354 360613 403297
       6.蜂蜜产量          (吨)      Honey  3141 3269 2926
       7.蚕茧产量          (吨)      Silkworm Cocoons 3323 5358 3754