11-3  餐饮业销售情况 (2001年)
    单位:    万元                                                                            (10 000 yuan)
          Item 法人企
 Number of Corporative Enterprises
Number of Economic Units
人数  (人)
Total Business Revenue
(10 000 yuan)
 Retail Sale
               Total 1712 99595 61312 619878 502766.5
一、限额以上 Above Designated Size 68 68 16174 75942 39919.1
     1.按登记注册类型分组        Catering Trades        
            内资企业          Domestic-funded Enterprises 62 62 15054 66642 34373.2
                国有企业                  State-owned Enterprises 27 27 4816 13995 8343.3
                集体企业                  Collective-owned Enterprises 2 2 417 2637 1762.6
               股份合作企业   2 2 707 3590 445.5
                联营企业                  Joint ownership Enterprises 1 1 35 200 60
                    集体联营企业    1 1 35 200 60
                有限责任公司              Limited liability Corporations 3 3 1231 4223 4079.5
                    其他有限责任公司                  Other Limited liability Corporations 3 3 1231 4223 4079.5
                股份有限公司              Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 5 5 619 4853 1378.9
                私营企业                  Private-owned Enterprises 22 22 7229 37144 18303.4
                    私营独资企业                    Private-Funded Enterprises 8 8 1989 4347 4124.5
                    私营有限责任公司                Private Limited Liability Corporations 10 10 3175 14115 12692.1
                    私营股份有限公司                Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 4 4 2065 18682 1486.8
             港、澳、台商投资企业               Enterprises with Investment from Hong   3 3 767 3914 222
                 合资经营企业                  Joint Venture Enterprises 3 3 767 3914 222
             外商投资企业                  Enterprises with Foreign Investment 3 3 353 5387 5323.9
                 中外合资经营企业                  Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Enterprises 2 2 153 1073 1009.9
                 外商投资股份有限公司                  Sino-Foreign Cooperation Enterprises 1 1 200 4314 4314
                              Dinner 60 60 15508 68574 33070.8
                              Fast Food 8 8 666 7368 6848.3
二、限额以下企业(单位)和个体户 Below Designated Size and Individuals 1644 99527 45138 543936 462847.4