13-5    一般预算财政支出 (2001年)
 单位: 万元                                                                                                             (10 000yuan)   
   支 出 总 计     Total Expenditure 2895027  
一、基本建设支出 Capital Construction 254447  
二、企业挖潜改造资金 Innovation Funds of Enterprises 22943  
三、简易建筑费 Simple Construction  
四、地质勘探费 Geological Prospecting 13710  
五、科技三项费用 Science and Technology Promotion 23617  
六、流动资金 Circulating Funds 25586  
七、支援农村生产支出 Supporting Agriculture Production 63476  
     小型农田水利和水土保持补助费           Subsidies to Small-size Construction of Farmland Water       24367  
          and Soil Conservation  
     支援农村合作生产组织资金         Supporting Cooperative Agricultural Production Organizations 18627  
     农村农技推广和植保补助费       Subsidies of Agrotechnical Popularization and Plant Protection 10473  
     农村草场和畜禽保护补助费         Subsidies of Protection of Rural Grassland,Livestock and Poultry 4707  
     农村造林和林木保护补助费         Subsidies of Rural Forestation and Forest Protection 4637  
     农村水产补助费         Subsidies of Rural Aquatic Products 202  
     粮食自给工程资金         Self-supporting-in-grain Projects 463  
八、农业综合开发支出 Comprehensive Development of Agriculture 28721  
九、农林水利气象等部门的事业费 Operating Expenses of Department of Agriculture,Forestry,    108627  
   Water Conservancy and Meteorology  
    #农垦事业费        Operating Expenses of Land Reclamation 78  
      农场事业费        Operating Expenses of Farm 420  
      农业事业费        Operating Expenses of Agriculture 26047  
      畜牧事业费        Operating Expenses of Animal Husbandry 9747  
      农机事业费        Operating Expenses of Agricultural Machinery 8844  
      林业事业费        Operating Expenses of Forestry 13742  
      水利事业费        Operating Expenses of Water Conservancy 14965  
      水产事业费        Operating Expenses of Aquatic Production 420  
      气象事业费        Operating Expenses of Meteorology 1251  
      乡镇企业事业费        Operating Expenses of Town-ship Enterprises 1370  
十、工业交通等部门的事业费 Operating Expenses of Departments of Industry Transportation 27714  
十一、流通部门的事业费 Operating Expenses of Department of Commerce 4164  
十二、文体广播事业费 Operating Expenses of Departments of Culture,Sport,     82401  
  Broadcasting and Publication  
     #文化事业费          Operating Expenses of Culture Department 16936  
       出版事业费          Operating Expenses of Publication Department 86  
       体育事业费          Operating Expenses of Sport 11935  
       广播电影电视事业费          Operating Expenses of Broadcasting,Movie and Television 15015  
十三、教育事业费 Operating Expenses of Education 503801  
十四、科学事业费 Operating Expenses of Department of Science 12371  
十五、卫生经费 Operationg Expenses of Public Health 134067  
十六、税务统计财政审计等部门的事业费 Operating Expenses of Department of Tax, Statistics,    147682  
   Finance and Audit  
十七、抚恤和社会福利救济费 Pensions and Relief Funds for Social Welfare 64974  
十八、行政事业单位离退休经费 Retired Persons in Administrative Department 204139  
十九、社会保障补助支出 Subsidies of Social Security Programs 269267  
二十、国防支出 National Defence 3342  
二十一、行政管理费 Government Administration 333116  
二十二、外交外事支出 Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs 854  
二十三、武装警察部队支出 Armed Police Troops 2051     
二十四、公检法司支出 Agencies of Public Security, Procuratorial,        194311     
   and Court of Justice  
二十五、城市维护费 City Maintenance 84896     
二十六、政策性补贴支出 Policy Price-subsidies 90276     
       #粮食加价款             Price Increases in Grain 73     
         粮食风险基金             Risk Funds of Grain 53532     
         国家储备粮油利息、费用补贴             Subsidies of Interests and Expenses of National Grain and          19659     
    Edible Oil Reservation  
         粮食财务挂帐利息补贴             Subsidies of Interests of Bad Accounts of Grain 729     
         地方粮食企业新增挂帐消化款             Funds for Digesting Bad Account of Grain  
         国家储备粮油差价补贴             National Price Subsidies of Reservation of Grain and Edible Oil 248     
         地方粮油价外补贴             Regional Price Subsidies of Grain and Edible Oil 6345     
         副食品风险基金             Risk Funds of Non-staple Food 948     
         市镇居民肉食价格补贴             Subsidies to Urbanites for Inceases in Meat Price 1001     
         农业生产资料价差补贴             Price Subsidies of Agricultural Production Means 15     
二十七、支援不发达地区支出 Supporting Underdeveloped Areas 33492     
二十八、土地和海域开发建设支出 Land and Sea Area Development and Construction 50     
二十九、专项支出 Special Expenditures 54708     
三十、  其他支出 Others 106224     
二十三、武装警察部队支出 Armed Police Troops 2051     
二十四、公检法司支出 Agencies of Public Security, Procuratorial,        194311     
   and Court of Justice  
二十五、城市维护费 City Maintenance 84896     
二十六、政策性补贴支出 Policy Price-subsidies 90276     
       #粮食加价款             Price Increases in Grain 73     
         粮食风险基金             Risk Funds of Grain 53532     
         国家储备粮油利息、费用补贴             Subsidies of Interests and Expenses of National Grain and          19659     
    Edible Oil Reservation  
         粮食财务挂帐利息补贴             Subsidies of Interests of Bad Accounts of Grain 729     
         地方粮食企业新增挂帐消化款             Funds for Digesting Bad Account of Grain  
         国家储备粮油差价补贴             National Price Subsidies of Reservation of Grain and Edible Oil 248     
         地方粮油价外补贴             Regional Price Subsidies of Grain and Edible Oil 6345     
         副食品风险基金             Risk Funds of Non-staple Food 948     
         市镇居民肉食价格补贴             Subsidies to Urbanites for Inceases in Meat Price 1001     
         农业生产资料价差补贴             Price Subsidies of Agricultural Production Means 15     
二十七、支援不发达地区支出 Supporting Underdeveloped Areas 33492     
二十八、土地和海域开发建设支出 Land and Sea Area Development and Construction 50     
二十九、专项支出 Special Expenditures 54708     
三十、  其他支出 Others 106224