9-1  建筑施工企业主要经济指标
                    Item 2000 2001
施工企业个数 (个) Number of Construction Enterprises (unit) 904    853
计算劳动生产率平均人数(万人) Staff and Workers(Annual Average) (10 000 persons) 40    43
期末从业人数(万人) Employmee(10 000 persons) 38    36
固定资产原价 (万元) Original Value of Fixed Assets  (10 000 yuan) 1093900    1278690
固定资产合计 (万元) Total Fixed Assets (10 000 yuan) 768386    899485
自有机械设备总台数(台) Number of Machinery and Equipment Owned (set) 97318    114394
自有机械设备净值(万元) Net Value of Machinery and Equipment Owned (10 000 yuan) 292159    359311
自有机械设备总功率(万千瓦) Total Power of Machinery and Equipment Owned(10 000 kn) 217    236
施工产值   (万元) Output Value of Buildings Under Construction(10 000 yuan) 2393974    3114390
增加值     (万元) Value Added of Construction (10 000 yuan) 661652    776974
竣工产值   (万元) Output Value of Buildings Completed (10 000 yuan) 1549670    1804761
固定资产折旧 (万元) Depreciation of Fixed Assets (10 000 yuan) 58808    68769
施工个数   (个) Number of Buildings Under Construction (unit) 16577    20028
施工面积  (万平米) Floor Space of Buildings Under Construction (10 000 sq.m) 2008    2204
竣工个数   (个) Number of Buildings Completed (unit) 9409    12420
竣工面积   (万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Completed (10 000 sq.m) 947    1064
营业利润   (万元) Profits of Business   (10 000 yuan) 3084    24286
管理费用   (万元) Costs of Administration (10 000 yuan) 218927    248871
利润总额   (万元) Total Profits  (10 000 yuan) -1890    17458
上缴税金   (万元) Tax Turned Over to the State (10 000 yuan) 94274    101664
按施工产值计算的全员 Overall  Laor Productivity  In Terms of Output Value 60463    72281
   劳动生产率(元/人)                  (yuan/person)    
按增加值计算的全员 Overall  Labor Productivity In Terms of Value-added 16711    18033
    劳动生产率(元/人)                  (yuan/person)    
实收资本金 (万元) Capitals Hold (10 000 yuan) 589728    953531
资产总计   (万元) Total Assets (10 000 yuan) 3269641    3838172
负债合计   (万元) Total Liabilities (10 000 yuan) 2337226    2772178
所有者权益合计  (万元) Total Creditors quity (10 000 yuan) 932415    1065994
竣工率(按产值计算)  (%) Rate of Completed (By Output Value) (%) 65    58
工程质量优良品率(按个数) (%) Rate of High Quality Projects (By Number)  (%) 52    46
工程质量优良品率(按面积) (%) Rate of High Quality Projects (By Area) (%) 45    46
产值利润率   (%) Ratio of Profit to Gross Output Value (%) 0    0.6
亏损企业个数 (个) Number of Loss Enterprises (unit) 187    175
建筑材料消耗 (万元) Consumption of Building Materials  (10 000 yuan) 1112675    1719930