9-10  建筑业企业资本金及资产(2001年)
单位: 千元                                                                                 (1 000yuan)                  
                                  Item 实收资本
Original Value of Fixed Assets
Depreciation of Fixed Assets
and Deferre
Total Circul-
ating Funds
Total Fixed
Production and Management
Depreci-ation This Year
                Total 9535312 38381722 26693038 8994853 12786899 9044981 4089427 687687 1094974
#其中:一、二级企业   Enterprises of First and Secondary Grade 7338670 32453083 23016060 7100170 10450007 7428804 3467147 573743 906348
#其中:国有绝对及国有               Enterprises With Controlling Share     7060964 31921344 22418996 7061640 10366755 7296262 3479979 576565 1000639
  相对控股 Hold by the State  
一、按经济组织类型分组 Grouped by Ownership  
        独资企业     Solely-owned Enterprises 5825897 26207105 18484716 5895778 8479740 5962733 2827341 457959 609700
            国有企业       State-owned 4845634 23130054 16422943 5023645 7380612 5211758 2497660 412538 563147
            集体企业       Collective-owned 928969 2935195 1965642 830732 1052012 708643 320539 43190 44559
            私营独资企业       Private-owned 38504 84551 44725 35548 38066 33568 5925 1619 1948
            港、澳、台商独资经营企业       Owned by Entrepreneurs from Hong         12790 57305 51406 5853 9050 8764 3217 612 46
        Kong,Macao and Taiwan   
            外资企业        Foreign-owned    
       合作、合伙企业     Cooperation and Partnership Enterprises 57065 163254 102379 48603 59962 52197 12105 3179 10581
           股份合作企业       Share-holding Cooperative 53745 131956 87762 40436 51380 43615 10945 3071 2758
           国有联营企业       State Joint Ownership  
           集体联营企业       Collective Joint Ownership 1550 20415 12129 463 1068 1068 605 50 7823
           国有与集体联营企业       Joint State-collective Ownership  
           其他联营企业       Other Joint Ownership  
           私营合伙企业       Private Partnership  
           港或澳、台资合作经营企业       Cooperative Enterprises With Funds       
        from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan  
           中外合作经营企业       Sino-foreign Cooperative Enterprises  
           其他企业(内资)       Other Enterprises (Domestic Investment) 1770 10883 2488 7704 7514 7514 555 58  
       股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 633992 1732437 1178425 509138 617496 475381 119201 28444 5345
           股份有限公司(内资)       Share-holding Corporations Ltd.        625457 1680063 1133864 505869 613834 471924 118808 28330 5345
       (Domestic Investment)  
          私营股份有限公司       Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 8535 52374 44561 3269 3662 3457 393 114  
      Share-holding Corporations Ltd.With Funds       
         份有限公司   from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan  
         外商投资股份有限公司       Share-holding Corporations Ltd.With        
       Foreign Investment  
     有限责任公司     Limited Liability Corporations 3018358 10278926 6927518 2541334 3629701 2554670 1130780 198105 469348
         国有独资公司       State-owned 657151 1671598 1161322 468139 701725 408374 248350 26489 552
         私营有限责任公司       Private 387077 640574 352740 280894 338107 226204 64525 15409 4943
         港澳台合资经营企业       Joint Venture With  Hong Kong,       62800 112399 65447 44971 79032 76016 34062 5148 875
       Macau and Taiwan 26020 29374 3351 20223  
         中外合资经营企业       Sino-foreign Joint Venture 1885310 7824981 5344658 1727107 27641 20421 7418 29 172
         其他有限责任公司       Others   2483196 1823655 776425 151030 462806
二、按国民经济行业分组 Grouped by Economic Sector    
        土木工程建筑业       Civil Engineering 8614246 35391224 24527461 8290249 11850838 8336272 3780623 645034 1073535
        线路管道设备安装业       Circuit,Pipelines and Equipment Installation 829035 2691198 1930526 653426 878440 674852 294360 40413 16630
        装修装饰业       Buildings Fitting up and Decoration 92031 299300 235051 51178 57621 33857 14444 2240 4809
三、按隶属关系分组 Grouped by Subordination    
                   Central 3967638 18666017 13172899 4113444 6384712 4490285 2352828 436116 812853
              Province 2305626 9049552 6412787 1908153 2701165 1966075 826015 97133 3801
                   Prefecture 1101439 5222471 3702617 1256652 1597607 1112307 399725 58428 104337
              County 834462 2242355 1335270 694144 856429 595498 215769 26430 142214
                  Urban Subdistrict 32677 134222 81983 42192 50791 48114 11017 1260  
              Town 132407 295326 150513 124704 138507 105233 33520 15071 9877
              Township 58388 206656 129252 68787 86072 59703 19273 4303 125
       居委会       Neighbourhood Committees 1680 8080 7124 628 956 710 328 87  
       村委会       Village  Committees 150968 316694 182725 112878 149414 92632 48571 10289 5742
                 Others 950027 2240349 1517868 673271 821246 574424 182381 38570 16025