1-8  平均每天主要社会经济活动
                               Item 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002
一、全省每天创造的财富       Daily Production            
            国内生产总值  (万元)          Gross Domestic Product (10 000 yuan) 2980 6000 11761 28342 45036 55275
            农林牧渔总产值(万元)        Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry,                          2175 3025 3589 4437 5323 5762
                                                             Animal  Husbandry and Fishery (10 000 yuan)            
                           (万吨)               Coal  (10 000 tons) 33.16 58.68 78.35 95.15 68.9 100.7
            发电量           (万千瓦小时)   Electricity   (10 000 kwh) 3294 5057 8607 13862 17115 23069
                               (吨)                   Steel (ton) 4093 5034 6536 9310 12952 21096
            成品钢材      (吨)                    Steel Products (ton) 2368 3036 3528 5948 10756 15918
                              (万米)                Cloth (10 000 m) 105.90 102.9 117.7 97.52 91.1 91.4
            化学纤维      (吨)                    Chemical Fiber (ton) 9.98 39.95 54.35 69.44 79.4 75.8
                          (吨)                    Cement (ton) 7887 12567 16780 32051 39288 40932
二、其他经济活动                  Other Daily Economic Activities                
            国有单位固定资产投资额 (万元)              State-Owned Units Investment                          616 1855 2510 6192 11497 12070
                                                                                     in Fixed Assets (10 000 yuan)            
            国有基建竣工住宅建筑面积  (平方米)    State-Owned Units Capital 5178 8192 3690 5101 13592 7593
                   Construction Floor Space of  Residential Buildings Completed (sq.m)            
            图书出版     (万册)              Books Published (10 000 copies) 24.81 27.37 33.33 38.13 27.68 36.35
            杂志出版     (万册)              Magazines Issued (10 000 copies) 5.22 21.87 7.71 9.82 7.28 12.07
            报纸出版     (万份)              Newspapers Issued (10 000 copies) 48.19 151.2 148.9 162.3 161.2 386.7
            邮寄函件     (万件)              Letters Delivered (10 000 copies) 23.94 33.50 30.05 36.99 31.04 49.45
三、人口变动与婚姻              Daily Population Changes and Marriages               
                     (人)                      Births (person)   1143 1240 1776 1392 1170 1157
                     (人)                      Deaths (person)   438 455 517 513 509 552
                     (对)                      Marriages (couples)   581 647 604 491 451 421
                     (对)                      Divorces (couples)   23 21 20 19 21 20