14-30  各类成人教育毕业生、结业生数
   单位:                                                                                                                                                                                                   (person)    
                         Type 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002
一、成人高等学校       Adult Higher Education Schools 1051 7339 9709 14072 7526 7634
                职工高等学校        Schools of Higher Education for  Staff  and Workers 511 1272 1660 1771 2276 2038
                农民高等学校        Schools of Higher Education for  Peasants     1256 1328 1867  
                管理干部学院        Colleges for Management Cadres   1206 2954 2613 321 3878
                教育学院        Pedagogical Colleges     1468 6443   658
                独立函授学院        Correspondence Colleges            
                广播电视大学        Raido and TV Universities   177 497     1060
                其他学校(机构        Other Colleges            
二、成人中等学校       Secondary Schools for Adults 44979 65525 37603 76756 61607 55495
            成人中等专业学校         Specialized Secondary Schools for  Adults 37614 11930 27107 13731 28708 9507
            成人中学                Secondary Schools for Adults 7365 53595 10496 63025 32899 45988
                                           Senior 1189 3012 3744 4894 3482 3842
                                           Junior 6176 50583 6752 58131 29417 42146
三、成人初等学校       Primary Schools for Adults 141187 89063 597244 185974 189961 317731
            职工初等学校           Primary Schools for Staff and Workers     550949 5721 1303 3199
            农民小学班             Primary Schools for Peasents 17215 396874 23857 110532 144274 268224
            农民扫盲班             Illiteracy Courses 123927 49376 22438 69721 44384 46308