5-9  原材料、燃料、动力购进价格指数
Index of Raw Materials And Fuels Purchsing Price
(以上年价格=100)                                                                                        (last year=100)
                                Item 1995 2000 2002
全部原材料 All Raw Materials 113.1 101.9 103.0
一、燃料动力类 Fuels 108.2 101.2 111.0
二、黑色金属材料类 Ferrous Metals Materials 96.8 102.2 98.5
            # 钢         Steel 97.5 103.2 96.5
                        Others 94.9 101.4 99.9
三、有色金属材料和电线类 Nonferrous Metals 127.2 111.9 94.3
四、化工原料类 Chemical Raw Materials 130.0 105.1 98.2
五、木材及纸浆类 Timber and Paper Pulp 118.8 99.4 102.0
六、建筑材料及非金属矿类 Ruilding Materials and Nonmetal Mineral 102.9 99.9 102.0
七、其它工业原材料及半成品类 Other Industrial Raw Materials 118.8 97.4 99.3
八、农副产品类 Farm Products 136.6 99.0 99.1
九、纺织原料类 Textile Raw Materials 124.5 98.5 95.5