9-10  建筑业企业资本金及资产(2002年)
                                                CAPITAL AND ASSETS OF CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES (2002)
单位: 万元                                                                                                                                                                (10 000 yuan)             
    Item 实收资本
Original Value of Fixed Assets
Depreciation of Fixed Assets
and Deferre
Total Circul-
ating Funds
Total Fixed
Production and Management
Depreci-ation This Year
                              Total 1757757     5590116     3522982     1600220       2082830 1594460 556252 102271 131026
        施工总承包 Overall Contract 1487913     4931996     3088563     1398159       1825724 1388495 489691 90927 123978
        专业承包 Specialized Contract 269844     658120     434419     202061       257106 205965 66561 11344 7048
       #国有绝对及国有   Enterprises With Controlling Share 1248085     4471189     2800137     1246940       1659540 1260244 465505 85013 112207
             相对控股       Hold by the State                  
一、按经济组织类型分组 Grouped by Ownership                  
        独资企业    Solely-owned Enterprises 996743     3401584     2066887     969162       1272378 941298 344302 62191 72015
            国有企业       State-owned 874178     3057998     1836520     869878       1146631 843139 311010 57206 64684
            集体企业       Collective-owned 113703     328575     220637     94390       120258 93779 32595 4808 6999
            私营独资企业       Private-owned 6267     10628     5493     4748       5116 4050 470 170 332
            港、澳、台商独资       Owned by Entrepreneurs from Hong 2595     4383     4237     146       373 330 227 7  
            经营企业           Kong,Macao and Taiwan                  
            外资企业           Foreign-owned                  
        合作、合伙企业   Cooperation and Partnership Enterprises 22411     53022     36133     16006       19739 17382 4177 675 353
            股份合作企业       Share-holding Cooperative 12311     37685     28075     8758       10567 9067 2129 465 336
            国有联营企业       State Joint Ownership 1392     2404     1641     763       966 850 203 74  
            集体联营企业       Collective Joint Ownership                  
            国有与集体联营企业       Joint State-collective Ownership                  
            其他联营企业       Other Joint Ownership 1591     2517     1352     1165       1336 1335 221 18  
            私营合伙企业       Private Partnership 5017     7816     4265     3520       4470 3730 1024 93 17
            港或澳、台资合作       Cooperative Enterprises With Funds                  
               经营企业           from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan                  
           中外合作经营企业       Sino-foreign Cooperative Enterprises                  
           其他企业(内资)       Other enterprises (Domestic Investment) 2100     2600     800     1800       2400 2400 600 25  
      股份有限公司    Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 73649     176235     122402     45588       57501 48148 12883 2321 3466
          股份有限公司       Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 62721     147782     100994     40626       51796 43836 12104 2098 2027
            (内资)           (Domestic Investment)                  
         私营股份有限公司       Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 10928     28453     21408     4962       5705 4312 779 223 1439
         港、澳、台商投资       Share-holding Corporations Ltd.With
             股份有限公司          Funds from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan                  
         外商投资股份       Share-holding Corporations Ltd.With                  
            有限公司           Foreign Investment                  
     有限责任公司   Limited Liability Corporations 664954     1959275     1297560     569464       733212 587632 194890 37084 55192
         国有独资公司       State-owned 86464     227430     156632     63811       94704 72113 31175 4235 634
         私营有限责任公司       Private 162340     296938     170433     116579       126820 92921 21620 4322 2686
         港澳台合资经营企业       Joint Venture With  Hong Kong, 8759     13145     8919     3544       5601 5446 2057 472 18
            Macau and Taiwan                  
         中外合资经营企业       Sino-foreign Joint Venture 1802     11178     9168     261       490 365 229 16  
         其他有限责任公司       Others 405589     1410584     952408     385269       505597 416787 139809 28039 51854
二、按国民经济行业分组 Grouped by Economic Sector                  
        土木工程建筑业       Civil Engineering 1539872     5024668     3123297     1461662       1905114 1460594 498261 93227 124636
        线路管道设备安装业       Circuit,Pipelines and Equipment 154668     452778     317593     112125       145947 110949 52220 7991 4092
        装修装饰业       Buildings Fitting up and Decoration 63217     112670     82092     26433       31769 22917 5771 1053 2298
三、按隶属关系分组 Grouped by Subordination                  
                       Central 388060     2050064     1410300     487276       723305 480561 259803 51014 85687
                  Province 689301 1768817 961429 576375 704869 626025 149270 25692 3301
                       Prefecture 188171 717449 499561 187657 233712 159546 54600 7777 13123
                  County 146528 341821 212680 102292 130444 97433 31683 4832 19733
                      Urban Subdistrict 3356 6549 4404 2059 2974 2631 916 133  
                  Town 10637 20166 10459 9563 10630 9298 2196 375 136
                  Township 13286 36879 16692 17397 18984 16131 4002 754 50
           居委会       Neighbourhood Committees 10445 17710 10425 6678 9171 8781 2493 549 598
           村委会       Village  Committees 22387 44792 28795 14882 19936 15027 6019 1296 920
                     Others 285586 585869 368237 196041 228805 179027 45270 9849 7478