7-1    农村基层组织情况
                                       Item 1995 2000 2003
一、农村基层组织情况                        Basic Conditions of Rural Grassroots Units                  
         1.乡(镇)政府        (个)       Number of Township and Town Governments (unit) 1933 1834 1191
            # 镇政府                                  Number of Town Governments 514 446 477
         2.村民委员会        (个)       Number of Villager's Committes (unit) 32430 32338 28745
二、乡村户数               (万户)  Number of Rural Households (10 000 households) 604.02 620.78 630.12
三、乡村人口               (万人)  Rural Population (10 000 persons) 2270.42 2322.62 2335.5
四、乡村劳动力             (万人)  Number of Rural Laborers (10 000 persons) 947.02 988.55 1012.82
         1.按性别分                                   Group by Sxual Distinction                  
                男劳动力                               Male   525.45 547.60 560.57
                女劳动力                               Female  421.57 440.95 452.25
         2.按行业分                                  Group by Sector                  
                农林牧渔业                           Farming,Forestry,Animal             631.21 658.25 645.97
              Husbandry and Fishery    
                  #林牧渔业                              Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery 45.50 50.27 58.51
                                                  Industry 123.07 114.67 129.77
                建筑业                              Construction 43.06 51.00 57.47
                交通运输、仓储及邮电通讯业                  Transportation, Storage,Post and            50.10 53.75 58.58
                           Telecommunication Services    
                批发、零售贸易业、餐饮业              Wholesale,Retail Trade and Catering Trade  32.39 45.98 55.67
                其他非农行业                          Other Non-agricultural Trades 67.19 64.89 65.36
   Note:The number of townships  and towns excludes county towns in 2000 and 2003.