12-17  高新经济技术开发区综合情况
 单位:亿元   (100 million yuan)   
                Item 2003 2004  
当年国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product 138.3 208.4  
当年工业总产值 Gross Industry Output Value 288.9 431.5  
当年进出口总额 (万美元) Total Value Imports and Exports (USD 10 000) 27772 30342  
出口总额 (万美元) Total Value of Exports  (USD 10 000) 23871 213122  
进口总额 (万美元)   Total Value of Imports (USD 10000) 3901 9030  
税收收入 Income of Tax 16.9 27.3  
当年财政收入 Financial Revenue 7.3 15.5  
全区从业人员 (万人) Employmees (10 000 persons) 16.0 24.5  
当年合同利用外资金额 (万美元) Contract Utilization of Foreign Capital (USD 10 000) 18667 33686  
当年实际使用外资金额 (万美元) Actural Utilization of Foreign Capital  (USD 10 000) 13772 8105  
当年入区企业数 (个) Enterprises Registered in the Districts (unit) 816 1146  
当年引进国内资金 Funds Introduced from Domestic 85.8 93.4  
 # 引进省外资金     Funds Introduced from Outside of Province   15.1  
历年累计入区企业数 (个) Total Enterprises Registered in  3423 4168  
      the Districts over the Years (unit)    
 # 历年累计外商投资企业数量     Foreign Investment Enterprises   165  
    历年累计工业企业数量     Industrial Enterprises   2115  
    历年累计高新技术企业数量     New and High-tech Enterprisers   494  
历年累计已开发土地面积 (平方公里) Total Area of land Developed over the Years (sq.km)   39.6  
历年累计引进国内资金  Total Funds Introduced from Domestic over the Years 278.6 438.4  
  #累计引进引进省外资金      Funds Introduced from outside of  Province over the Years   43.3  
科工贸总收入 Total Income of Technology,Industry and Trade 449.1 640.7