19-4  企业景气指数 (2004年)
                 Item 一季度
               总 体 状 况     Total 126.50 122.74 126.55 130.10
一、按行业门类分 By Sector  
       (一)工    Industry 132.39 122.19 129.41 133.58
                       采掘业     Mining and Quarrying 156.63 148.80 154.67 167.16
                       制造业     Manufacturing 126.75 117.77 126.91 127.46
                       电力、煤气及水的     Production and Supply of Electricity  149.01 116.37 113.35 136.34
                          生产和供应业         Power,Gas and Water  
      (二)建筑业 Construction 99.23 124.19 121.10 129.48
                      房屋和土木工程建筑业         Civil Engineering 101.03 127.62 121.62 134.04
                      建筑安装业         Installation 82.35 111.76 118.75 106.25
                      建筑装饰业         Buildings Fitting Up and Decoration 114.29 128.57 128.57 114.29
      (三)交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transporation,Storage and Post 115.46 117.63 117.51 118.72
                      铁路运输业        Railways Transportation 171.43 157.14 171.43 140.84
                      道路运输业        Highways Transportation 111.54 96.00 108.00 132.00
                      城市公共交通业        City Public Traffic 95.83 100.00 95.65 113.04
                      航空运输业        Civil Aviation Transportation 150.00 150.00 200.00 200.00
                      装卸搬运和其他运输服务业        Load & Unload and other  80.00 80.00 60.00 100.00
           Transportation Services
                      仓储业        Storage 107.50 121.14 112.05 90.91
                      邮政业        Post 121.38 134.75 125.46 128.62
      (四)批发和零售业 Wholesale and Retail Trade 132.84 127.32 124.09 123.72
                      批发业        Wholesale Trade 135.39 132.75 126.46 129.60
                      零售业        Retail Trade 125.99 115.43 117.77 112.08
      (五)房地产业 Real Estate Trade 114.68 109.79 120.45 114.44
      (六)社会服务业 Social Services 117.82 116.00 122.00 108.00
                      租赁业       Lease 111.11 77.78 100.00 133.33
                      商务服务业       Business Affairs Services 129.41 132.00 136.00 116.00
                      环境管理业       Environmental Management 100.00 150.00 100.00 100.00
                      公共设施管理业       Public Facilities Management 125.00 118.75 100.00 112.50
                      居民服务业       Resident Services 90.00 100.00 115.00 85.00
                      其他服务业       Other Services 100.00 33.33 133.33 33.33
      (七)信息传输和计算机 Information Transmission,Computer  145.39 160.86 141.82 154.18
                      服务及软件业      Services and Software  
                      信息传输业     Information Transmission 172.13 181.42 160.84 166.24
                      计算机服务业     Computer Services  90.91 136.36 90.91 120.00
                      软件业     Software 115.38 123.08 130.77 146.15
      (八)住宿和餐饮业 Lodging and Catering Services 128.16 130.12 121.95 124.00
                      住宿业     Lodging  121.61 132.76 123.34 125.86
                      餐饮业     Catering Serrices 147.37 121.05 116.67 117.65
二、按企业登记注册类型分 By Type of Registeration  
            国有企业     State-owned Enterprises 126.47 121.51 124.95 126.73
            集体企业     Collective-owned Enterprises 102.27 103.30 102.30 102.20
            股份合作企业     Share Cooperative Enterprises 131.25 112.50 106.25 112.50
            联营企业     Joint Ownership Enterprises 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
            有限责任公司     Limited Liability Corporations 125.73 125.07 126.52 128.93
            股份有限公司     Share Corporations Ltd. 145.05 133.11 152.02 151.24
            私营企业     Private Enterprises 140.00 143.33 133.33 151.72
            其他内资企业     Other Domestic Enterprises 100.00 100.00 66.67 66.67
            外商及港、澳、台投资企业     Enterprises with Investment From Foreign, 133.24 135.71 121.42 135.69
                          Hongkong,Macao and Taiwan  
三、按企业规模分  By  Scale of Enterprises  
            总大型      Overall Large 165.37 157.74 166.64 172.93
                  #特大型          Over-size 178.46 167.23 173.78 190.27
                                  Large-size 154.36 149.78 160.64 158.35
            中小型      Medium and Small-size 118.92 116.94 118.01 119.71
                  #中             Medium-size 120.48 118.56 122.42 120.53
                                 Small-size 117.73 115.68 114.60 119.08
附:国家重点企业 Attach:State Important Enterprises 183.09 177.59 196.81 198.72
        国家试点企业集团成员            Member of Enterprise Group with State  200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
                Experiment Unit
        乡镇企业            Enterprise of Villages and Town 127.78 116.67 119.11 124.56
        上市公司            Corporations on the Market 178.80 137.20 182.03 183.10
        国有控股企业            Enterprises With Share Controlled by State 130.86 127.79 131.91 132.71
   Note:The range of indexes is from 0 to 200,the biger it is,the better it is.