Item 工业增加值率
Value Added
Rate of Industry
 Ratio of Profits,
 Taxes and Interests
 to Average Assets
 Ratio of
 Debts to Assets
 Turnover of
Working Capital
 Ratio of Profits
to Total Costs
 Overall Labour
 Ratio of Sales
to Gross
Output Value (%)
                                     Total 36.60 10.51 65.41 1.68 7.05 65686 97.84
一、按隶属关系分              Grouped by Belongs              
            中央企业                      Central Enterprises 38.40 9.14 74.86 1.63 6.86 107348 99.46
            省属企业                      Province-owned Enterprises 37.93 8.17 58.15 1.60 6.31 61998 97.78
            地、市属企业                   Prefectures,Cities-owned Enterprises 31.27 5.25 67.79 1.02 3.91 34097 97.41
            县(旗)属企业                  County(Banner)-owned Enterprises 39.29 14.39 66.90 1.82 10.18 52396 97.65
            城市街道企业                  Cities' Subdistrict-owned Enterprises 31.82 12.22 78.34 4.40 2.55 78508 113.43
            镇属企业                      Small Town-owned Enterprises 40.49 14.86 61.49 1.42 12.76 50193 95.53
            乡属企业                      Township Enterprises 43.64 21.93 60.86 2.25 10.62 55701 104.52
            居委会办企业     Neighbourhood Committee -run Enterprises 35.18 6.69 87.32 0.95 5.01 30870 100.71
            村办企业                      Village Enterprises 42.18 21.65 62.85 2.20 12.06 48251 97.51
                                        Enterprises of Other Types of Ownership 33.33 14.06 67.07 1.91 6.36 82837 96.75
二、按登记注册类型分组      Grouped by Registered Kind              
            内资企业                    Civil Funded Enterprises 36.55 10.54 65.54 1.68 7.10 64232 97.85
                国有企业                       State-owned Enterprises 36.37 6.59 78.32 1.34 3.79 56691 99.27
                    中央企业                           Central Enterprises 32.59 6.44 79.97 1.52 2.98 101950 99.75
                    地方企业                           Local Enterprises 43.54 6.82 75.96 1.08 5.49 34743 98.36
                集体企业                       Collective Owned Enterprises 42.84 21.19 67.17 2.12 12.54 43642 99.73
                股份合作企业                   Share Holding Limited Company 33.94 13.58 68.64 1.49 9.29 46369 97.18
                联营企业                       Joint Owned Enterprises 43.89 17.69 64.41 2.10 13.08 43289 100.77
                    国有联营企业                      State-owned Joint Enterprises 47.44 10.71 69.56 1.57 7.44 32911 97.48
                    集体联营企业                      Collective-owned Joint Enterprises 54.95 23.94 61.62 2.05 22.54 50018 101.76
                    国有与集体联营企业                State-owned and Collective-owned Joint Enterprises 15.70 6.87 51.85 2.03 2.11 54628 117.93
                    其他联营企业                      Other Joint Owned Enterprises 15.95 6.82 68.67 3.65 -1.75 33449 98.56
                有限责任公司                  Limited Responsibility Company 36.45 9.42 60.33 1.69 6.42 63692 97.14
                    国有独资公司                      Company Exclusively with Investment from State 38.07 7.05 55.81 1.52 5.26 58778 97.38
                    其他有限责任公司                  Other Limited Responsibility Company 35.25 12.21 65.66 1.86 7.39 68276 96.97
                股份有限公司                  Share Holding Limited Company 40.65 15.54 66.63 1.70 17.23 91491 99.74
                私营企业                      Privately Owned Enterprises 32.76 14.65 63.48 1.92 5.27 80884 96.77
                    私营独资企业                     Enterprise Exclusively with Investment from Private 34.30 20.82 66.21 2.15 7.30 86087 97.01
                    私营合伙企业                     Private Partner Enterprises 33.24 26.55 62.51 3.94 6.81 79133 95.61
                    私营有限责任公司                 Privately Owned Limited Responsibility Company 32.93 13.59 62.98 1.84 4.86 82040 96.65
                    私营股份有限公司                 Privately Owned Share Holding Limited Company 22.21 7.31 62.31 1.87 2.05 45019 98.43
                其他企业                      Enterprises of Other Types of Ownership 41.48 17.48 20.95 2.79 20.83 142978 100.13
            港、澳、台商投资企业         Enterprises Funded by HongKong,Macao and Taiwan 28.98 6.26 65.78 1.24 2.55 66205 91.20
                合资经营企业(港或澳、台资)         Joint Venture 29.39 5.74 71.25 1.46 0.82 79946 87.76
                合作经营企业(港或澳、台资)         Cooperative Enterprise 36.70 16.76 58.93 1.57 22.84 125545 90.87
                港澳台商独资企业               Ventures Exclusively with HongKong,Macao and Taiwan Investment 23.36 3.24 43.84 1.01 4.00 18251 101.00
                港澳台商投资股份有限公司          Share Holding Limited Company               26.48 6.84 54.82 0.82 4.36 48120 105.86
            外商投资企业               Foreign Funded Enterprises 42.14 11.69 61.56 2.15 8.03 162634 101.27
                中外合资经营企业                Joint Venture 29.20 12.54 60.09 1.98 3.84 83220 107.16
            中外合作经营企业                Cooperative Enterprises 71.31 12.49 60.81 3.07 21.11 1702116 100.08
            外资企业                        Enterprises Funded By Foreign Investments 40.00 2.74 71.22 1.73 -1.70 149626 85.24
            外商投资股份有限公司            Share Holding Limited Company               38.36 9.43 67.58 1.75 34.00 99875 57.15
三、按经济组织类型分组        Grouped by Ownership              
            独资企业                      Ventures With Exclusively Investment 37.58 9.66 75.64 1.56 6.12 54920 98.90
                国有企业         State-owned Enterprises 36.37 6.59 78.32 1.34 3.79 56691 99.27
                集体企业                         Collective Owned Enterprises 42.84 21.19 67.17 2.12 12.54 43642 99.73
                私营独资企业                     Enterprises Exclusively with Private Investment 34.30 20.82 66.21 2.15 7.30 86087 97.01
                港澳台商独资经营企业             Enterprises Funded by Overseas Chinese From       
              HongKong,Macao and Taiwan        23.36 3.24 43.84 1.01 4.00 18251 101.00
                外资企业                         Foreign Funded Enterprises 40.00 2.74 71.22 1.73 -1.70 149626 85.24
            合作、合伙企业                Cooperative & Partnership Enterprises 46.83 14.03 62.96 2.12 13.46 95236 98.17
                股份合作企业                     Share Holding Limited Company 33.94 13.58 68.64 1.49 9.29 46369 97.18
                国有联营企业                     State-owned Joint Enterprises 47.44 10.71 69.56 1.57 7.44 32911 97.48
                集体联营企业                     Collective-owned Joint Enterprises 54.95 23.94 61.62 2.05 22.54 50018 101.76
                国有与集体联营企业               State & Collective-owned Joint Enterprises 15.70 6.87 51.85 2.03 2.11 54628 117.93
                其他联营企业                     Joint Enterprises of Other Types of Ownership 15.95 6.82 68.67 3.65 -1.75 33449 98.56
                私营合伙企业                     Private Partnership Enterprises 33.24 26.55 62.51 3.94 6.81 79133 95.61
                其他企业(内资)                   Enterprises of Other Types (Domestic Funded) 41.48 17.48 20.95 2.79 20.83 142978 100.13
                港或澳、台资合作经营企业          Cooperative Enterprises Funded by HongKong,Macao and Taiwan 36.70 16.76 58.93 1.57 22.84 125545 90.87
                中外合作经营企业                 Sino-foreign Cooperative Enterprises 71.31 12.49 60.81 3.07 21.11 1702116 100.08
            股份有限公司                 Share Holding Limited Company 38.94 14.74 66.04 1.66 15.64 86574 99.33
                股份有限公司(内资)               Share Holding Limited Company (Domestic Funded) 40.65 15.54 66.63 1.70 17.23 91491 99.74
                私营股份有限公司                 Private Share Holding Limted Company 22.21 7.31 62.31 1.87 2.05 45019 98.43
                港澳台商投资股份有限公司         Share Holding Limited Company Funded by HongKong,            
              Macao and Taiwan  26.48 6.84 54.82 0.82 4.36 48120 105.86
                外商投资股份有限公司             Limited Company Funded by Foreign Investment 38.36 9.43 67.58 1.75 34.00 99875 57.15
            有限责任公司                Limited Responsibility Company 35.34 10.00 60.91 1.72 5.91 67305 97.14
                国有独资公司                    Enterprises Exclusively Funded by State Investment 38.07 7.05 55.81 1.52 5.26 58778 97.38
                私营有限责任公司                Private Limited Responsibility Company 35.25 12.21 65.66 1.86 7.39 68276 96.97
                其他有限责任公司                Limited Responsibility Company of Other Types 32.93 13.59 62.98 1.84 4.86 82040 96.65
                港澳台合资经营企业              Joint Ventures Funded by HongKong,Macao and Taiwan 29.39 5.74 71.25 1.46 0.82 79946 87.76
                中外合资经营企业                Sino-foreign Joint Ventures 29.20 12.54 60.09 1.98 3.84 83220 107.16
四、总计中: 亏损企业        Of the Total: Loss-making Enterprises 32.47 1.52 74.05 1.24 -5.68 33708 94.98
        总计中: 国有控股企业    Of the Total: State-Controlled Share Holding Enterprises 38.95 8.48 65.41 1.50 7.02 63816 98.58
        总计中: 农村工业        Of the Total: Rural Industry 42.81 21.77 61.97 2.22 11.41 51261 100.53
        总计中: 轻工业          Of the Total: Light Industry 35.42 8.15 62.02 1.45 2.88 42258 94.64
                      重工业                                         Heavy Industry 36.69 10.68 65.64 1.70 7.35 68397 98.08
        总计中: 大型企业     Of the Total: Large-size Enterprises 36.78 9.62 63.78 1.68 7.18 78958 99.27
                      中型企业                                   Medium-size Enterprises 37.08 11.66 65.77 1.71 7.74 69036 97.22
                      小型企业                                     Small-size Enterprises 35.55 10.83 68.94 1.63 5.75 46665.00 96.00
 五、按工业行业大类分 Grouped by Sector  
             采矿业     Mining Industry 48.75 12.48 61.64 1.62 11.34 55311 98.00
        煤炭开采和洗选业        Coal Mining and Dressing 49.17 11.95 61.75 1.57 10.92 54404 98.00
    石油和天然气开采业    Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction      
        黑色金属矿采选业        Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 41.90 45.75 53.90 3.34 24.54 93989 98.36
        有色金属矿采选业        Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 39.92 3.83 76.17 2.19 -2.50 24407 89.97
        非金属矿采选业        Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing 41.26 1.82 55.52 2.70 -1.95 81464 98.30
    其他采矿业    Other Minerals Mining and Dressing      
    制造业    Manufacturing 31.28 10.47 65.61 1.72 5.38 66587 97.31
        农副食品加工业        Farm Products Processing 29.12 5.40 62.13 2.09 2.97 62043 98.34
        食品制造业        Food Manufacturing 33.71 7.21 62.05 2.47 3.29 63213 94.96
        饮料制造业        Beverage Manufacturing 42.81 16.17 62.40 1.32 4.68 79249 91.95
        烟草制品业        Tobacoo Products Manfacturing 62.04 56.92 27.10 2.11 8.47 436318 101.14
        纺织业        Textile Industry 23.02 2.20 73.06 1.53 -2.96 14179 96.59
        纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业        Garments , Shoes and Hats Manufacturing 25.66 5.02 56.71 1.41 4.40 14064 97.22
        皮革、毛皮、羽毛(绒)及其制品业        Leather,Furs,Down and Related Products 20.70 1.69 79.31 1.07 0.00 14945 98.27
        木材加工及木、竹、藤、        Timber Processing,Bamboo,Cane,Palm      
            棕、草制品业            Fiber and Straw Products 30.73 5.08 61.75 0.87 9.08 29152 98.38
        家具制造业        Furniture Manufacturing 27.92 4.45 72.14 1.24 2.70 25393 99.41
        造纸及纸制品业        Paper Making and Paper Products 29.31 6.47 70.15 1.43 5.57 28938 97.92
        印刷业和记录媒介的复制        Printing and Record Medium Reproduction 35.89 4.41 62.21 1.17 0.54 34268 98.44
        文教体育用品制造业        Cultural, Educational and Sports Goods 36.11 8.09 73.14 1.38 3.19 39922 94.53
        石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业        Petroleum Processing ,Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing 34.21 14.94 69.41 1.65 6.48 108570 99.86
        化学原料及化学制品制造业        Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 29.85 6.94 63.99 1.49 4.76 50126 98.48
        医药制造业        Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 40.44 8.15 63.85 1.08 6.87 68052 84.65
        化学纤维制造业        Chemical Fiber 18.82 12.47 180.54 1.52 6.77 45979 100.65
        橡胶制品业        Rubber Products 28.55 4.02 66.63 1.05 -0.67 49215 98.49
        塑料制品业        Plastic Products 26.01 6.36 65.54 1.27 4.04 32980 93.58
        非金属矿物制品业        Nonmetal Mineral Products 33.79 4.62 67.76 0.96 0.55 26636 94.53
        黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业        Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 28.57 14.52 57.81 2.70 6.05 123559 97.48
        有色金属冶炼及压延加工业        Smelting and Pressing of Non-ferrous Metals 37.92 12.08 70.49 1.84 13.02 87380 94.41
        金属制品业        Metal Prodcuts 26.42 3.71 73.13 1.26 0.08 22761 95.79
        通用设备制造业        Ordinary Machinery Manufacturing 27.13 4.26 69.84 1.21 0.41 31928 96.04
        专用设备制造业        Special Purpose Equipment Manufacturing 25.62 3.43 68.61 1.01 1.98 28386 100.25
        交通运输设备制造业        Transport Equipment Manufacturing 27.35 4.73 66.70 1.34 2.18 35401 97.95
        电气机械及器材制造业        Electric Equipment and Machinery 32.73 4.14 78.65 1.04 1.37 41706 90.08
        通信设备、计算机及        Telecommunication Equipment,Computer and       
            其他电子设备制造业           Other Electronic Product 40.13 1.53 63.72 0.76 -1.78 46485 97.38
        仪器仪表及文化、办公用机械制造业        Instruments,Meters,Cultural and Office Machinery 40.41 5.10 49.67 0.61 11.22 79347 97.76
        工艺品及其他制造业        Handicraft and Others 40.45 10.21 65.55 1.34 3.95 39283 96.72
        废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业        Resources Discarded & Waste Materials        
             Recovering and Processing 41.40 12.03 34.56 1.50 7.32 16223 101.75
    电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业    Electric Power,Gas & Water Production and Supply 38.92 7.31 71.16 1.62 6.70 138919 100.73
        电力、热力的生产和供应业        Electric Power,Heat Power Production and Supply 38.86 7.61 72.42 1.66 7.14 160633 100.85
        燃气生产和供应业        Gas Production and Supply 26.91 4.68 81.50 1.76 -3.82 27286 96.36
        水的生产和供应业        Tap Water Production and Supply 45.28 -0.25 36.63 0.79 -7.97 26150 96.50