9-3  建筑业企业房屋建筑面积 (2004年)
   单位: 平方米                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (sq.m)  
                 Item 房屋建筑
Floor Space
of Buildings
Space of
工 面 积
Floor Space
This Year
的 面 积
Floor Space
of Enter a
Bid Contract
                                   Total 39260162 22786273 29371822 15255712
        施工总承包 Overall Contract 38381728 22143675 28830109 14771736
        专业承包 Specialized Contract 878434 642598 541713 483976
       #国有及国有控股企业 State Owned and State Controlling Share 22302521 11702048 17756536 6993380
一、按登记注册类型分组 Grouped by Registered Kind  
        内资企业      Civil Funded Enterprises  38867473 22490777 29148391 15127678
            国有企业          State-owned Enterprises  16065371 8465594 12742378 4498061
            集体企业          Collective-owned Enterprises  3631719 2461771 2464681 2224511
            股份合作企业          Share Cooperative Enterprises  537562 351434 332019 409306
            联营企业          Joint Ownership Enterprises  29880 21680 16680 5000
               集体联营企业              Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises  5000 5000   5000
               国有与集体联营企业              State and Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises    
               其他联营企业              Other Joint Ownership Enterprises  24880 16680 16680  
           有限责任公司          Limited Responsibility Corporations 14803869 8805456 11339263 5877948
               国有独资公司               Company Exclusively with Investment from State 830461 437509 198546 526277
               其他有限责任公司               Other Limited Responsibility Company 13973408 8367947 11140717 5351671
           股份有限公司          Share-holding Limited Corporations    
           私营企业          Private-owned Enterprises 3799072 2384842 2253370 2112852
               私营独资企业               Enterprise Exclusively with Investment from Private 292525 207451 207487 200773
               私营合伙企业               Private Partnership  Enterprises 28097 18259 18259 18300
               私营有限责任公司               Private Limited Responsibility Corporations 2708919 1724784 1785962 1601684
               私营股份有限公司               Private Share-holding Limited Corporations 769531 434348 241662 292095
           其他企业           Other Enterprises    
           港、澳、台商投资企业       Enterprises Funded by HongKong, 79389 79389   79389
               合资经营企业           Macao and Taiwan  79389 79389   79389
           外商投资企业       Foreign Funded Enterprises 313300 216107 223431 48645
               中外合资经营企业           Joint Venture 313300 216107 223431 48645
二、按国民经济行业分组 Grouped by Economic Sector  
        房屋和土木工程建筑业      Housing and Civil Engineering Construction 39240839 22782773 29356989 15252212
            房屋工程建筑           Housing 33350825 20033673 24778146 13355127
            土木工程建筑           Civil Engineering 5890014 2749100 4578843 1897085
        建筑安装业      Building Installation 3100 3100   3100
        建筑装饰业      Building Fiting and Decoration    
        其他建筑业      Other Construction 16223 400 14833 400
三、按隶属关系分组 Grouped by Subordination  
         # 中         Central 7624959 3813017 6584085 1637001
                 Province 9153784 5342380 7053125 2625573
                      Prefecture 6908857 3646105 5465924 3071948
                 County 6789412 4372180 4221787 3418972