Value Added
(10 000 yuan)
 of Laborers
Net Taxes
on Production
of Fixed Assets
2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005
地区生产总值 Gross Domestic Product   35713700 41795200 12809700 14967200 5421000 6448800 5415700 6348900 12067300 14030300
  第一产业     Primary Industry  2763000 2624200 1970000 1874000 61000 -70900 141000 136500 591000 684600
        1.农、林、牧、渔业         Farming,Forestry,Animal  2763000 2624200 1970000 1874000 61000 -70900 141000 136500 591000 684600
              Husbandry and Fishery                    
  第二产业     Secondary Industry        19194000 23531600 6000000 7361500 4241000 5247500 2815000 3427800 6138000 7494800
        2.工            Industry  17113000 21176800 4866000 6070000 3882000 4843700 2591000 3172400 5774000 7090700
        3.建筑业         Construction 2081000 2354800 1134000 1291500 359000 403800 224000 255400 364000 404100
  第三产业    Tertiary Industry           13756700 15639400 4839700 5731700 1119000 1272200 2459700 2784600 5338300 5850900
        4.交通运输、仓储和邮政业         Transport,Storage and Post   3175500 3511900 620800 812200 160100 177400 501800 555500 1892800 1966800
        5.信息传输、计算机服         Information Transmission , Computer  725700 819200 139400 173300 45700 51700 296300 334400 244300 259800
                  务和软件业            Services and Software                    
        6.批发和零售业         Wholesale and Retail Trade 2290800 2612400 518600 592900 642600 729400 266500 304400 863100 985700
        7.住宿和餐饮业         Lodging and Catering Services 965900 1093900 154600 196000 53900 62100 59800 70100 697600 765700
        8.金融业         Banking  1102900 1220900 439200 484700 58900 71700 51000 56900 553800 607600
        9.房地产业         Real Estate Trade 951300 1064800 61100 68500 63300 69900 795800 891200 31100 35200
        10.租赁和商务服务业         Lease and Business Affairs Services 440100 506200 141500 161700 33800 38800 104800 122400 160000 183300
        11.科学研究、技术服务         Scientific Reseach , Polytechnology  245900 290100 156800 184900 15900 18600 30900 36600 42300 50000
                   和地质勘查业             Services and Geological Prospecting                      
        12.水利、环境和公共         Water , Environmental Protection and  101100 121100 77200 92700 2400 2900 24500 28900 -3000 -3400
                    设施管理业             Public Facility Management                    
        13.居民服务和其他服务业         Resident Services and Other Services 742000 868600 96300 112000 20600 24100 22500 26200 602600 706300
        14.教育         Education 1000900 1197000 856600 1024200 3100 3700 90100 107700 51100 61400
        15.卫生、社会保障和         Health Care,Social Security  461700 544200 297200 352200 4200 4900 41900 49200 118400 137900
                    社会福利业             and Social Welfare                    
        16.文化、体育和娱乐业         Culture , Sports and Recreation 220100 255700 94900 112500 10800 12700 30200 35900 84200 94600
        17.公共管理和社会组织         Public Management and Social Organization 1332800 1533400 1185500 1363900 3700 4300 143600 165200