13-4    一般财政预算收入 (2005年)
   单位:  万元   (10 000 yuan)

             收 入 总 计      Total Revenue 3683437 
一、增值税 Value-added Taxes 1026952 
          #国有企业增值税        State-owned Enterprises 192392 
            集体企业增值税        Collective-owned Enterprises 117203 
            股份制企业增值税        Share Holding Enterprises 501988 
            联营企业增值税        Joint Owned Enterprises 1810 
            港澳台外商投资企业增值税        Enterprises Invested from Hongkong, 45623 
          Macao Taiwan and Foreign  
            私营企业增值税        Private-owned Enterprises 123758 
二、营业税 Operation Taxes 606999 
        #金融保险业营业税(地方)        Banking and Insurance Operation Taxes (Regional) 98804 
            一般营业税        Ordinary Operation Taxes 507497 
三、企业所得税 Enterprises' Income Taxes 369947 
四、企业所得税退税 Drawback of Enterprises Income Taxes -2 
五、个人所得税 Individual Income Taxes 136805 
六、资源税 Resource Taxes 181699 
七、固定资产投资方向调节税 Direction Adjustment Taxes on Fixed Assets Investment 40 
八、城市维护建设税 Taxes on Urban Construction and Maintenance 213095 
九、房产税 House Property Taxes 65997 
十、印花税 Stamp Taxes 32805 
十一、城镇土地使用税 Taxes on Use of Urban Land 44980 
十二、土地增值税 Land Value-added Taxes 1530 
十三、车船使用和牌照税 Taxes on Use of Vehicles,Boats and License 2922 
十四、屠宰税 Taxes on Slaughtering Animals 30 
十五、农业税 Agriculture Taxes 2 
十六、农业特产税 Taxes on Special Agriculture Products 308 
十七、耕地占用税 Taxes on Occuping Cultivated Land 11477 
十八、契    Contract Taxes 31881 
十九、国有资产经营收益 Business Revenue of State-owned Properties 31929 
二十、国有企业计划亏损补贴 Planing Subsidies to Loss-suffering State-owned Enterprises -18243 
二十一、行政性收费收入 Incomes from Administrative Fees 246150 
二十二、罚款收入 Penalty Incomes 187501 
二十三、海域场地矿区使用费收入 Incomes from Use of Sea Area,Land and Mine Zone 2 
二十四、专项收入 Special Incomes 480872 
二十五、其他收入 Other Incomes 27759 
                    #利息收入       Interest Incomes 18423 
                      捐赠收入     Income from Contribution