6-15  农民家庭收支情况 (2005年)
单位:元     (yuan)
 Per Person
一、总收入 Total Income  31040055 3628.29
        (一)工资性收入      Laborers ' Remuneration 10077288 1177.94
        (二)家庭经营收入      Income from Household Business 19408401 2268.66
            1.第一产业          Primary Industry 14247830 1665.44
                 #农                 Farming 10976102 1283.00
                                    Forestry 159773 18.68
                                    Animal Husbandary 3111955 363.76
            2.第二产业          Secondary Industry 605947 70.83
                                     Industry 190221 22.24
                   建筑业               Construction 415726 48.59
            3.第三产业          Tertiary Industry 4554623 532.39
                   交通、运输、邮电业              Traffic,Transportation and Post 2102351 245.75
                   批零贸易业、饮食业              Wholesale and Retail Trade ,Catering Trade 1170507 136.82
                   社会服务业               Social Service 593217 69.34
                   文教卫生业               Culture,Education and Public Health 65781 7.69
                   其他行业               Others 619125 72.37
        (三)财产性收入     Property Income             536415 62.70
        (四)转移性收入     Transfer Income  1017952 118.99
二、总支出 Total Expenditure 23264573 2719.41
        (一)家庭经营费用     Expenditure of  Household Business 5362072 626.78
            1.第一产业生产费用         Producing Cost of  Primary Industry 4310225 503.83
                #农                 Farming 2748131 321.23
                                   Forestry 22468 2.63
                                   Animal Husbandary 1539627 179.97
            2.第二产业生产费用         Producing Cost of  Primary Industry 114776 13.42
                                 Industry 50946 5.96
               建筑业               Construction 63830 7.46
            3.第三产业生产费用         Producing Cost of  Secondary Industry 937072 109.53
               交通运输邮电业              Traffic,Transportation and Post 526955 61.60
               批零贸易餐饮业              Wholesale and Retail Trade ,Catering Trade 273098 31.92
               社会服务业              Social Service 63737 7.45
               文教卫生业              Culture,Education and Public Health 4018 0.47
               其他行业              Others 69264 8.10
        (二)购置生产性固定资产支出        Costs of Purchasing Fixed Assets for Production 390254 45.62
        (三)建造生产性固定资产雇工支出        Costs of Hiring Workers to Construct Fixed        5042 0.57
             Assets for Production    
        (四)税费支出        Costs of Taxes 64295 7.52
        (五)生活消费支出        Expenditure of Living Consumption  16063690 1877.70
        (六)财产性支出        Property Expenditure       66026 7.72
        (七)转移性支出        Transfer Expenditure 1313193 153.50
三、全年可支配收入 Year Disposable Income 23628370 2761.94
四、全年纯收入 Year Net Income 24729563 2890.66