9-6 建筑业企业机械设备情况 (2005年)
              Item 自有机械设备
Number of Machinery and Equipment Owned(unit)
Total Power of Machinery and Equipment Owned(kw)
Total Power of Machinery and Equip-
ment Owned        (10 000 yuan)
                                   Total 243159 3954906 714124
       #国有及国有控股 State Owned and State Controlling Share 86494 2479032 439333
一、按登记注册类型分组 Grouped by Registered Kind      
        内资企业      Civil Funded Enterprises  242616 3948578 711498
            国有企业          State-owned Enterprises  45318 1098322 164242
            集体企业          Collective-owned Enterprises  61401 252657 37174
            股份合作企业          Share Cooperative Enterprises  1266 19733 3039
            联营企业          Joint Ownership Enterprises  163 100 127
                集体联营企业              Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises  140 64 18
                其他联营企业              Other Joint Ownership Enterprises  23 36 109
            有限责任公司          Limited Responsibility Corporations 81697 1929460 363816
                国有独资公司            Company Exclusively with Investment from State 12324 388873 78616
                其他有限责任公司            Other Limited Responsibility Company 69373 1540587 285199
            股份有限公司          Share-holding Limited Corporations 3861 40644 9597
            私营企业          Private-owned Enterprises 48592 602512 132693
                私营独资企业             Enterprise Exclusively with Investment from Private 1183 12653 2034
                私营合伙企业             Private Partnership  Enterprises 550 9228 3189
                私营有限责任公司             Private Limited Responsibility Corporations 37705 503011 115433
                私营股份有限公司             Private Share-holding Limited Corporations 9154 77620 12038
            其他企业           Other Enterprises 318 5150 811
        港、澳、台商投资企业       Enterprises Funded by HongKong,Macao and Taiwan 463 5199 2471
        外商投资企业       Foreign Funded Enterprises 80 1129 155
二、按国民经济行业分组 Grouped by Economic Sector  
        房屋和土木工程建筑业      Housing and Civil Engineering Construction 208052 3432602 604115
            房屋工程建筑           Housing 142346 1199704 202610
            土木工程建筑           Civil Engineering 65706 2232898 401505
        建筑安装业      Building Installation 17669 282976 44708
        建筑装饰业      Building Fiting and Decoration 13127 125533 20060
        其他建筑业      Other Construction 4311 113795 45242
三、按隶属关系分组 Grouped by Subordination  
         # 中         Central 29709 1238856 198342
                 Province 35890 811738 173685
                      Prefecture 24790 520316 77576
                 County 152770 1383996 264521
四、按企业资质等级分组 Grouped by Grades      
            施工总承包 Overall Contract 205864 3309810 579024
            专业承包 Specialized Contract 37295 645096 135100