13-7    金融机构人民币信贷收支(2006年)
单位: 万元   (10 000 yuan)

资金来源总计 Total Sources of Funds 82640424  
一、各项存款 Deposits 85774569  
  企业存款       Deposits of Enterprises 22553297  
   活期存款             Demand Deposits 17938157  
   定期存款             Time Deposits 4615140  
  财政存款       Treasury Deposits 2793770  
  机关团体存款       Diposits of Government Agencies and Organizations 4499978  
  储蓄存款       Savings Deposits 47961838  
   活期储蓄             Demand Savings 14417621  
   定期储蓄             Time Savings 33544217  
  农业存款       Agricultural Deposits 2003801  
  信托存款       Trusted Deposits   
  委托存款       Entrusted Deposits 328260  
  其他存款       Others Deposits 5633625  
二、金融债券 Financial Bonds 31  
三、应付及暂收款 Account Payable and Temporary  1247090  
四、同业往来 Intercourse of Same Trade or Business 580173  
五、各项准备 Preparatory Funds 936015  
六、所有者权益 Creditors' Equity 1310977  
        #实收资本       Actual Received Capital 969501  
            当年结益       Settlement Equity of the Year 736313  
七、其    Others -7208431  
资金运用总计 All Uses of Funds 82640424  
一、各项贷款 Loans 47885141  
            短期贷款     Short-term Loans 23096219  
                工业贷款         Industrial Loans 7041661  
                商业贷款         Commercial Loans 3610882  
                建筑业贷款         Construction Loans 333764  
                农业贷款         Agricultural Loans 5034190  
                乡镇企业贷款         Loans to Township Enterprises 2895769  
                三资企业贷款             Loans to Sino-Foreign Joint Venture,Cooperative and           145941  
            Foreign-funded Enterprises  
    私营企业及个体贷款             Loans to Private Enterprises and Individuals 490525  
    其他短期贷款             Other Short-term Loans 3543488  
   中长期贷款       Medium-term and Long-term Loans 20234188  
    基本建设贷款             Capital Construction Loans 11378604  
    技术改造贷款             Technical Innovation Loans 502364  
    其他中长期贷款             Other Medium-term and Long-term Loans 8353221  
   信托贷款        Credit Loans 677  
   融资租赁        Lease Loans 40348  
   委托贷款        Entrusted Loans 147068  
   票据融资      Circulation  Founds 4277402  
   各项垫付款      Paying and Repaid Late 89238  
二、有价证券及投资  Securities and Investment 2967984  
三、应收及预付款  Account  Receivable and Advance  Payment 938508  
四、同业往来  Intercourse of Same Trade or Business 337070  
五、二级准备金  Second  Preparatory Funds 6287815  
六、行内资金往来  Intercourse of Banks 22392064  
七、委托投资  Entrusted Investment  
八、外汇占款  Purchase of Foreign Exchanges 14841  
九、固定资产  Fixed Assets 1177494  
十、库存现金  Cash Inventory 639506