单位: 万元         (10 000 yuan)
                 Item 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
                                                               Total  3992207 4006511 4319298 4997760 6329929 9087054 13802719 17566980 21484099 28115537
按轻重工业分 Grouped by Light and Heavy Industry    
    轻工业                          Light Industry 477397 569168 574306 561509 661998 758157 920968 1070807 1199548 1505640
    重工业                             Heavy Industry 3514810 3437342 3744992 4436251 5667930 8328897 12881751 16496173 20284551 26609897
按企业规模分 Group by Size of Enterprises      
    大型企业      Large-size Enterprise 1829354 1947421 2258477 2596653 3054558 3907202 6076386 8117910 10255030 13164188
    中型企业                            Medium-size Enterprise 480651 383314 354547 382978 503854 3267117 4665194 5755473 6906346 9427909
    小型企业                            Small-size Enterprise 1681991 1675776 1706275 2018129 2771517 1912735 3061139 3693597 4322723 5523440
按行业大类分 Grouped by Sector          
    采矿业      Mining Industry 1238399 1143607 1205839 1462753 1904025 2772688 4770259 7083723 8846927 11459989
        煤炭开采和洗选业          Coal Mining and Dressing 1202580 1102736 1162599 1405521 1831508 2655278 4537951 6747485 8414268 10865126
        石油和天然气开采业          Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction     3331
        黑色金属矿采选业          Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 14583 16109 20173 33347 43637 93166 194934 280992 330630 464590
        有色金属矿采选业          Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 5783 6959 4946 6590 9803 4104 10441 13033 59635 71952
        非金属矿采选业          Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing 15453 17803 18121 17295 19077 20140 26932 42213 42394 54990
    制造业      Manufacturing   2181303 2258850 2434159 2695994 3423513 5055868 7528278 8687043 10379706 14031256
        农副食品加工业          Farm Products Processing 51899 53902 54902 45211 55372 91397 126425 152500 179257 236613
        食品制造业          Food Manufacturing 31146 34225 27983 37734 55040 74005 107095 109714 101750 168902
        饮料制造业          Beverage Manufacturing 56925 79421 72804 73074 83463 100402 131609 171165 226203 281107
        烟草制品业          Tobacoo Products Manfacturing 28847 28127 28732 30690 52777 61144 68371 79131 85992 121672
        纺织业          Textile Industry 62167 74671 86807 66827 70659 71214 64109 74235 71050 49984
        纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业          Garments,Shoes and Hats Manufacturing 7378 5585 5684 5753 5272 9264 10514 14294 14700 20919
        皮革、毛皮、羽毛(绒)及其制品业          Leather,Furs,Down and Related Products 1236 -114 278 886 613 28 288 143 123 141
        木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、          Timber Processing,Bamboo,Cane,Palm Fiber  4532 70 488 313 86 11 1781 2716 3376 7610
            草制品业               and Straw Products      
        家具制造业          Furniture Manufacturing 3256 3182 4092 3836 3506 1779 1610 1908 2503 2844
        造纸及纸制品业          Paper Making and Paper Products 24720 31105 15833 13830 14770 15840 17930 34872 40765 33645
        印刷业和记录媒介的复制          Printing and Record Medium Reproduction 15211 16167 15878 15760 18203 24158 18816 22211 17695 20884
        文教体育用品制造业          Cultural, Educational and Sports Goods 1901 1805 1335 1902 9567 18693 16731 19546 25123 22690
        石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业          Petroleum Processing ,Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing 288603 259119 263874 294036 445990 911766 1694673 2049737 2291065 3214096
        化学原料及化学制品制造业          Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 289646 300615 283965 300385 398935 442595 632300 703461 831365 1205233
        医药制造业          Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 49738 85967 108716 104600 128510 148098 172524 188310 209757 283240
        化学纤维制造业          Chemical Fiber 4275 3514 6990 7594 5847 6727 6980 7983 6647 19958
        橡胶制品业          Rubber Products 20665 25742 24424 22617 34982 32464 37886 37111 30163 31105
        塑料制品业          Plastic Products 10622 7240 8318 8943 9733 16448 21170 31830 41102 34296
        非金属矿物制品业          Nonmetal Mineral Products 156035 155419 168199 180435 215171 251603 340036 295883 357801 446230
        黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业          Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 537889 538219 602873 756882 982092 1669870 2465871 2892389 3312702 4715398
        有色金属冶炼及压延加工业          Smelting and Pressing of Non-ferrous Metals 135165 189661 241641 264390 288592 481379 709641 823614 1229271 1343621
        金属制品业          Metal Prodcuts 75687 71361 49224 52499 55237 64627 67744 101262 120860 112173
        通用设备制造业          Ordinary Machinery Manufacturing 91647 82533 79504 94827 110243 155978 278972 332593 261031 363908
        专用设备制造业          Special Purpose Equipment Manufacturing 92015 89217 109760 102928 151795 177664 218684 279435 478594 627789
        交通运输设备制造业          Transport Equipment Manufacturing 55873 49177 83859 116430 136241 130121 136365 117476 198116 259686
        电气机械及器材制造业          Electric Equipment and Machinery 63335 46808 62517 57987 48456 48971 103385 51267 72535 105672
        通信设备、计算机及          Telecommunication Equipment, Computer and Other  5662 11596 9003 17441 24616 30259 42752 47176 117370 248459
            其他电子设备制造业               Electronic Product      
        仪器仪表及文化、办公用机械制造业          Instruments,Meters,Cultural and Office Machinery 3078 5044 5688 5904 7288 14387 19202 32768 42277 50708
        工艺品及其他制造业          Handicraft and Others 12150 9472 10788 12280 10457 4976 13301 12313 10397 2672
        废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业          Resources Discarded & Waste Materials Recovering and Processing     1512   118  
    电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业      Electric Power,Gas & Water Production and Supply 570225 602709 677262 836420 998172 1258499 1504182 1796214 2257467 2624292
        电力、热力的生产和供应业          Electric Power,Heat Power Production and Supply 538241 556872 644779 797573 958822 1216295 1458115 1741288 2198313 2566672
        燃气生产和供应业          Gas Production and Supply 5893 16822 3544 8830 8447 10066 6996 5170 6910 6586
        水的生产和供应业          Tap Water Production and Supply 26091 29015 28939 30017 30903 32138 39071 49757 52244 51034