2-14 其他单位从业人员 (2008年)
单位:人     (person)
项    目 Item 从 业
人 员
Number of

其 他
人 员
    总  计                  Total 913483 272133 890374 23109
一、按登记注册类型分组 Grouped by Registered Kind        
                      Civil Funded Enterprises 818620 240160 797238 21382
                 1.股份合作          Share Cooperative Enterprises 36098 12013 35236 862
                 2.联             Joint Owned Enterprises 4932 1007 4848 84
                      #国有联营             State-owned Joint Owned Enterprises 3757 660 3704 53
                        集体联营             Collective-owned Joint Owned Enterprises 268 204 242 26
                 3.有限责任公司       Limited Liability Company 614711 167622 608238 6473
                      #国有独资           Company Exclusively with Investment 209808 51240 208603 1205
            from State        
                 4. 股份有限公司       Share Holding Limited Company 160680 58387 146724 13956
                 5. 其               Others 2199 1131 2192 7
             港、澳、台商投资      Enterprises Funded by HongKong, 61028 23022 60986 42
         Macao and Taiwan        
             外商投资      Foreign Funded Enterprises 33835 8951 32150 1685
二、按企业、事业、机关分组 Grouped By Enterprises,        
     Institutions and Agencies        
        1.企         Enterprises    912899 271759 889803 23096
        2.事         Institutions 584 374 571 13
三、按国民经济行业分组 Grouped By Sector        
        1.农、林、牧、渔业     Farming,Forestry,Animal 502 116 422 80
        Husbandry and Fishery        
        2.采矿业     Mining 239885 42315 239504 381
        3.制造业     Manufacturing 454498 140486 450306 4192
        4.电力、燃气及水的     Electricity,Gas and Water 31150 8322 30835 315
               生产和供应业         Production and Supply        
        5.建筑业     Construction 51704 9543 50458 1246
        6.交通运输、仓储和邮政业     Transport,Storage and Post   21136 8177 20932 204
        7.信息传输、计算机服务      Information Transmission , Computer 11171 6000 9630 1541
               和软件业          Services and Software        
        8.批发和零售业      Wholesale and Retail Trade 40991 21763 39382 1609
        9.住宿和餐饮业      Lodging and Catering Services 16009 9102 15818 191
        10.金融业      Banking and Insurance 36375 21889 23477 12898
        11.房地产业      Real Estate Trade 4812 2003 4471 341
        12.租赁和商务服务业      Lease and Business Services 1971 921 1899 72
        13.科学研究、技术服务      Scientific Reseach , Technical 542 151 530 12
                 和地质勘查业          Services and Geological Prospecting          
        14.水利、环境和      Water , Environmental Protection and  190 66 183 7
                 公共设施管理业           Public Facility Management        
        15.居民服务和其他服务业      Resident Services and Other Services 614 351 614  
        16.教         Education 791 293 790 1
        17.卫生、社会保障和      Health Care,Social Security  830 497 814 16
                 社会福利业           and Social Welfare        
        18.文化、体育和娱乐业      Culture , Sports and Recreation 290 133 287 3
        19.公共管理和社会组织      Public Management and Social Organization 22 5 22