6-15 农民家庭收支情况(2008年)
单位:元     (yuan)
指    标 Item 合 计

 Per Person
一、总收入 Total Income  43478475 5260.55
        (一)工资性收入      Laborers' Remuneration 14162480 1713.55
        (二)家庭经营收入      Income from Household Business 25655408 3104.10
            1.第一产业          Primary Industry 19516330 2361.32
                 #农                 Farming 14743254 1783.82
                                    Forestry 200148 24.22
                                    Animal Husbandary 4572928 553.29
            2.第二产业          Secondary Industry 543448 65.75
                                    Industry 275351 33.32
                   建筑业              Construction 268097 32.44
            3.第三产业          Tertiary Industry 5595631 677.03
                   其他产品收入               Other Products 27136 3.28
                   第三产业服务性收入               Service Trade 5568494 673.74
                       交通、运输、邮电业                  Traffic,Transportation and Post 2167312 262.23
                       批零贸易业、饮食业                  Wholesale and Retail Trade ,Catering Trade 1855628 224.52
                       社会服务业                  Social Service 976802 118.19
                       文教卫生业                  Culture,Education and Public Health 202569 24.51
                       其他行业                  Others 366184 44.31
        (三)财产性收入     Property Income             1264988 153.05
        (四)转移性收入     Transfer Income  2395598 289.85
二、总支出 Total Expenditure 38095668 4609.28
        (一)家庭经营费用     Expenditure of  Household Business 8418706 1018.60
            1.第一产业生产费用         Producing Cost of  Primary Industry 6817335 824.84
                 #农                Farming 3962035 479.38
                                   Forestry 31394 3.80
                                   Animal Husbandary 2823906 341.67
            2.第二产业生产费用         Producing Cost of  Primary Industry 103958 12.58
                                   Industry 70462 8.53
                   建筑业             Construction 33496 4.05
            3.第三产业生产费用         Producing Cost of  Secondary Industry 1497412 181.18
                   交通运输邮电业             Traffic,Transportation and Post 555428 67.20
                   批零贸易餐饮业             Wholesale and Retail Trade ,Catering Trade 705681 85.38
                   社会服务业             Social Service 172533 20.88
                   文教卫生业             Culture,Education and Public Health 20618 2.49
                   其他行业             Others 43152 5.22
        (二)购置生产性固定资产支出        Costs of Purchasing Fixed Assets for Production 1561975 188.99
        (三)建造生产性固定资产雇工支出        Costs of Hiring Workers to Construct Fixed        8422 1.02
           Assets for Production    
        (四)税费支出        Costs of Taxes 40446 4.89
        (五)生活消费支出        Expenditure of Living Consumption  25601177 3097.54
        (六)财产性支出        Property Expenditure       79183 9.58
        (七)转移性支出        Transfer Expenditure 2385758 288.66
三、全年可支配收入 Annual Disposable Income 31775546 3844.59
四、全年纯收入 Annual Net Income 33863659 4097.24