3-4 按登记注册类型分全社会固定资产投资
单位:万元         (10 000 yuan)
指  标 Item 2008   2009  
#城 镇

#城 镇

 总  计               Total 36351396 32985514 50335333 45999284
内 资                                           Domestic-Funded Enterprises 35281428 31930813 49235822 44912109
 国 有           State-owned Enterprises 14855867 14629306 23631380 23020169
 集 体           Collective-owned Enterprises 2369099 1751357 2358524 1773637
 股份合作           Share Cooperative Enterprises 211600 182678 133107 119773
 国有联营           State Joint Ownership Enterprises 76305 68343 148549 148549
 集体联营           Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises 55045 39698 89358 76830
 国有与集体联营           Joint State-collective Enterprises 105264 105264 4503 4503
 其他联营           Other Joint Ownership Enterprises 6410 5210 14697 14497
 国有独资公司           State-funded Corporations 1501592 1501453 1126146 1125496
 其他有限责任公司           Other Limited Liability Corporations 8108279 7755627 10714891 10351934
 股份有限公司           Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 2226190 2111112 2872495 2682161
 私 营           Private Partnership  3803154 3344062 5440383 4789948
 个体户           Individual  Enterprises 1547860 95278 1863248 65100
 个人合伙           Individual  Partnership Enterprises 35581 30572 40481 27338
 其              Others 379182 310853 798060 712174
港澳台投资                                     Enterprises with Investment from Hong Kong, 706354 704352 555473 550417
            Macao and Taiwan 0      
 港澳台合资经营           Joint-venture Enterprises 155563 155563 98590 98144
 港澳台合作经营           Cooperative Enterprises 75390 75390 60435 58825
 港澳台独资           Enterprises with Sole Investment  458054 456052 386475 383475
 港澳台股份有限           Share-holding Corporations Ltd.  17347 17347 9973 9973
外商投资                                       Enterprises with Foreign Investment 363614 350349 544038 536758
 外商合资经营           Joint-Venture Enterprises 134864 128156 227057 226757
 外商合作经营           Cooperative Enterprises 29901 29901 27286 26406
 外商独资           Enterprises with Sole Foreign Investment 141389 138489 232540 232540
 外商股份有限           Share Corporations Ltd. 57460 53803 57155 51055