7-13 农民家庭平均每户房屋情况
指  标 Item 2000 2005 2009
一、年内新建房屋面积 (平方米) Number of Rooms Newly Built Within the  1.95  1.70  2.95 
       Year (sq.m)      
           #砖木结构面积      Brick and Wood Structure  1.21  0.64  0.93 
             钢筋混凝土结构面积      Reinforced Concrets Structure 0.74  1.06  2.01 
         年内新建房屋价值 (元) Value of Newly Built Room Within  644.38  609.29  1516.56 
       the Year (yuan)      
         平均每平方米新建房屋价值 (元) Value Per Square Meter Newly  330.61  357.70  516.20 
       Built Room (yuan)      
         新建房屋中生活用房面积 (平方米) Living Floor Space (sq.m) 1.95  1.70  1.96 
         新建房屋中楼房面积 (平方米) Floor Space of Multi-Floor Buildings (sq.m) 0.33  0.74  1.46 
二、年末住房面积 (平方米) Per Capita Floor Space at Year-end (sq.m) 91.13  98.36  108.11 
          #砖木结构面积     Brick and Wood Structure 62.66  66.14  69.80 
            钢筋混凝土结构面积     Reinforced Concrete Structures 14.88  22.47  26.88 
        人均住房面积 (平方米) Per Capita Living Floor Space (sq.m) 21.57  24.15  27.97 
三、年末住房价值 (元) Value of Room at Year-end (yuan) 18131.45  27242.62  32744.56