11-10 铁路运输主要技术经济指标(2010年)
指  标 Item 太原铁路局
Taiyuan Bureau
of Railway
货运机车日产量  (万吨公里) Average Daily Ton-kilometers of Freight 214.3    
      Locomotives (10 000 ton-km)  
    内燃机车        Diesel Locomotives 90.1    
    电力机车       Electric Locomotives  260.8    
货运机车平均牵引总重量  (吨)  Average Total Tonnage of Freight Locomotives (ton) 6285    
    内燃机车       Diesel Locomotives 3009.0    
    电力机车       Electric Locomotives 7316.0    
客运机车日车公里  (公里)  Daily Distance per Passenger Locomotive (km) 591.0    
货运机车日车公里  (公里)  Daily Distance per Freight  Locomotive (km)  515.0    
内燃机车万吨公里耗油 (公斤) Oil Consumption of Diesel Locomotives (kg/10 000 ton-km) 27.3    
电力机车万吨公里耗电 Electricity Consumption of Electric 86.3    
     (千瓦小时)     Locomotives (kwh/10 000 ton-km)  
旅客列车技术速度  (公里/小时) Technical Speed of Passenger Trains (km/hr) 68.5    
旅客列车旅行速度  (公里/小时) Traveling Speed of Passenger Trains (km/hr) 59.7    
货物列车技术速度  (公里/小时) Technical Speed of Freight Trains (km/hr) 46.4    
货物列车旅行速度  (公里/小时) Running Speed of Freight Trains (km/hr) 36.6    
货物列车运行正点率  (%) Punctuality Rate of Freight Trains in  Running (%) 95.6    
货物列车出发正点率  (%) Punctuality Rate of Freight Trains at Departure (%) 95.7    
旅客列车运行正点率  (%) Punctuality Rate of Passenger Trains in  Running (%) 99.9    
旅客列车出发正点率  (%) Punctuality Rate of Passenger Trains at Departure (%) 99.8    
货车周转时间          (天) Trunning Around Time of Freight Cars (day) 1.9    
货车一次作业时间  (小时) Handling Time of Freight Cars (hour) 10.0    
货车中转停留时间  (小时) Transfer Waiting Time Per Freight Car (hour) 2.4