14-3 财政一般预算收入(2010年)
单位:万元   (10 000 yuan)
项  目 Item 金 额

             收 入 总 计      Total Revenue 9696652  
一、税收收入 Total taxes 6927060  
   增值税     Value-added Taxes 1982571  
    国内增值税     Domestic Value-added Taxes 1982571  
      #国有企业增值税          State-owned Enterprises 265936  
     集体企业增值税          Collective-owned Enterprises 51208  
     股份制企业增值税          Share Holding Enterprises 1272464  
     联营企业增值税          Joint Owned Enterprises 2786  
     港澳台和外商投资企业          Enterprises Invested from Hongkong, 101726  
      增值税              Macao ,Taiwan and Foreign  
    私营企业增值税          Private-owned Enterprises 167611  
   营业税     Operation Taxes 1919052  
    金融保险业营业税(地方)          Banking and Insurance Operation Taxes (Regional) 322465  
    一般营业税          Ordinary Operation Taxes 1594013  
    营业税税款滞纳金、罚款收入          Fine for Business Tax Overdue and Penalty Income 2574  
   企业所得税     Enterprises' Income Taxes 1177458  
   个人所得税     Individual Income Taxes 319518  
   资源税     Resource Taxes 326522  
   固定资产投资方向调节税     Fixed Assets Investment Orientation Regulation Tax 30  
   城市维护建设税     Taxes on Urban Construction and Maintenance 473853  
   房产税     House Property Taxes 135038  
   印花税     Stamp Taxes 111996  
   城镇土地使用税     Taxes on Use of Urban Land 219663  
   土地增值税     Land Value-added Taxes 46543  
   车船税(款)     Taxes on Use of Vehicles,Boats and License 69561  
   耕地占用税(款)     Taxes on Occuping Cultivated Land 38690  
   契税(款)     Contract Taxes 105046  
   烟叶税(款)     Tobacco Taxes 1519  
二、非税收入 Nontaxes 2769592  
   专项收入     Special Incomes 1535959  
   行政事业性收费收入     Incomes from Administrative Fees 545366  
   罚款收入     Penalty Incomes 432318  
   国有资本经营收入     Business Revenue of State-owned Properties 33646  
   国有资源(资产)有偿使用收入     Incomes from State-owned Resource Utilization 103460  
   其他收入     Other Incomes 118843  
        #捐赠收入         Income from Contribution 11737