10-1 建筑施工企业主要经济指标
指  标 Item 2011 2012
施工企业个数 (个) Number of Construction Enterprises (unit) 1920   2016  
直接从事生产经营活动的 Average Number of People Directly Engaged in 106   81  
   平均人数 (万人)    Production and Operating Activities (10 000 persons)    
期末从业人数 (万人) Employees at the Year End (10 000 persons) 62   66  
固定资产原价 (万元) Original Value of Fixed Assets  (10 000 yuan) 3673316   3894305  
固定资产合计 (万元) Total Fixed Assets (10 000 yuan) 2437599   2677869  
自有机械设备总台数 (台) Number of Machinery and Equipment Owned (set) 216691   208493  
自有机械设备净值 (万元) Net Value of Machinery and Equipment Owned (10 000  yuan)  1140165   1211129  
自有机械设备总功率 (万千瓦) Total Power of Machinery and Equipment Owned (10 000  kw) 589   658  
建筑业总产值   (万元) Output Value of Construction (10 000 yuan) 23249108   26681679  
竣工产值           (万元) Output Value of Buildings Completed (10 000 yuan) 11465263   11290236  
固定资产折旧   (万元) Depreciation of Fixed Assets (10 000 yuan) 255955   290756  
施工面积   (万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Under Construction (10 000 sq.m) 8798   10991  
竣工面积   (万平方米) Floor Space of Buildings Completed (10 000 sq.m) 2538   3162  
营业利润   (万元) Profits of Business   (10 000 yuan) 485433   680726  
管理费用   (万元) Costs of Administration (10 000 yuan) 1071845   1206571  
利润总额   (万元) Total Profits  (10 000 yuan) 492236   693319  
上缴税金   (万元) Tax Turned Over to the State (10 000 yuan) 711176   815456  
按总产值计算的全员 Overall  Labor Productivity   219834   329530  
    劳动生产率 (元/人)                  in Terms of Total Output Value (yuan/person)    
实收资本金 (万元) Capitals Hold (10 000 yuan) 4033750   4794315  
资产总计     (万元) Total Assets (10 000 yuan) 25034786   29761637  
负债合计     (万元) Total Liabilities (10 000 yuan) 19448892   22955850  
所有者权益合计  (万元) Total Creditors Quity (10 000 yuan) 5585894   6804943  
竣工率(按产值计算)  (%) Rate of Completed (By Output Value) (%) 49.3   42.3  
技术装备率 (元/人) Value of Machines per Laborer (yuan/person) 18257   18392  
动力装备率 (千瓦/人) Power of Machines per Laborer (kw/person) 9.4   10.0  
资产负债率 (%) Ratio of  Debts to Assets (%) 77.7   77.1  
产值利润率 (%) Ratio of Profit to Gross Output Value (%) 2.1   2.6