单位:% (%)
        Item 亏损面

Range of Deficits 
 Ratio of Profits,
 Taxes and Interests
 to Average Assets
 Ratio of
 Debts to Assets
 Ratio of Profits
to Total Costs 
Ratio of Profits
to Revenue of
Major Business
 Ratio of Sales
to Gross
Output Value 
     总           Total 42.28        7.22        71.79        3.30        3.20 95.28       
在总计中: Of the Total:            
    亏损企业       Loss-making Enterprises 100.00        0.61        83.53        -5.42        -5.72 91.58       
在总计中: Of the Total:            
    中央企业      Central Enterprises 23.40        10.56        69.05        6.82        6.39 98.53       
    地方企业      Local Enterprises 46.55        6.11        72.70        2.13        2.09 93.71       
       #省属企业            Province-owned Enterprises 42.46        6.38        72.90        1.97        1.93 93.55       
         地、市属企业            Prefectures, Cities-owned Enterprises 55.96        4.24        72.06        1.46        1.46 97.77       
         县(旗)属企业            County-owned Enterprises 47.09        6.57        71.51        5.90        5.48 92.02       
在总计中: Of the Total:            
     轻工业       Light Industry 45.16        16.81        56.43        7.57        6.32 97.96       
     重工业       Heavy Industry 42.08        7.00        72.14        3.21        3.12 95.20       
在总计中: Of the Total:            
    大型企业         Large-size Enterprises 24.24        7.80        69.11        3.37        3.26 94.97       
    中型企业         Medium-size Enterprises 49.84        6.52        76.26        3.04        2.97 95.93       
    小型企业         Small-size Enterprises 44.44        5.82        80.24        4.29        4.08 96.78       
    微型企业         Micro-size Enterprises 43.64        -0.60        84.98        -22.35        -32.39 80.39           
按工业行业大类分 Grouped by Sector            
    采矿业       Mining 43.13        7.95        70.17        4.54        4.34 93.32       
        煤炭开采和洗选业           Coal Mining and Dressing 43.97        8.03        70.55        4.49        4.29 93.27       
        石油和天然气开采业           Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 33.33        5.56        55.24        15.43        14.31 98.96       
        黑色金属矿采选业           Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 14.29        4.46        58.95        -1.24        -1.24 95.05       
        有色金属矿采选业           Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing 33.33        13.39        93.36        18.40        15.29 95.20       
        非金属矿采选业           Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing            
        其他采矿业           Other Mining Industry            
    制造业      Manufacturing 42.41        3.85        71.72        0.04        0.04 96.56       
        农副食品加工业           Farm Products Processing 33.33        -1.41        92.97        -5.01        -5.34 105.15       
        食品制造业           Food Manufacturing   37.41        59.17        5.20        4.91 95.00       
        饮料制造业           Wine, Beverages and Refined Tea Manufacturing 36.36        28.62        46.68        11.52        9.36 102.10       
        烟草制品业           Tobacoo Products Manfacturing   101.62        11.50        42.71        17.08 99.47       
        纺织业           Textile Industry 33.33        -1.47        64.22        -6.17        -6.54 96.50       
        纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业           Textile Garments Manufacturing   11.96        58.14        11.08        10.66 100.89       
  皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品和制鞋业          Leather, Fur, Feather and Its Products and Footwear            
  木材加工和木、竹、藤、          Timber Processing, Bamboo, Cane, Palm            
   棕、草制品业              Fiber and Straw Products            
  家具制造业           Furniture Manufacturing            
  造纸和纸制品业           Paper Making and Paper Products            
  印刷和记录媒介复制业          Printing and Record Medium Reproduction 50.00     5.88     63.98     5.06     5.08 103.56    
  文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业          Cultural,Educational, Sports and Entertainment Products 100.00     1.40     89.28     -2.86     -2.94 15.39    
  石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业           Petroleum Processing, Coking and Nuclear  60.00     1.64     81.36     -2.45     -2.52 99.59    
               Fuel Processing            
  化学原料和化学制品制造业          Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 55.56     -0.47     75.11     -5.49     -5.80 99.12    
  医药制造业           Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 42.86     2.08     79.10     0.83     0.82 100.49    
  化学纤维制造业          Chemical Fiber            
  橡胶和塑料制品业          Rubber and Plastic Products 22.22     8.01     73.20     4.53     4.34 89.31    
  非金属矿物制品业          Nonmetal Mineral Products 58.54     4.39     81.82     -1.69     -1.74 96.70    
  黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业           Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 54.55     2.62     68.93     -0.18     -0.18 97.98    
  有色金属冶炼和压延加工业           Smelting and Pressing of Non-ferrous Metals 42.86     3.70     73.25     -1.67     -1.69 87.06    
  金属制品业           Metal Prodcuts 33.33     3.93     57.16     2.69     2.65 98.06    
  通用设备制造业          Ordinary Machinery Manufacturing 37.50     1.96     76.08     1.09     1.10 94.18    
  专用设备制造业           Special Purpose Equipment Manufacturing 24.14     3.54     74.90     3.01     2.90 95.07    
  汽车制造业          Automobile Manufacturing Industry 45.45     0.59     74.37     -1.65     -1.84 92.09    
  铁路、船舶、航空航天和          Railroad, Marine, Aviation and Other Transport 22.22     7.06     72.78     4.73     4.54 98.70    
   其他运输设备制造业              Equipment Manufacturing Industry            
  电气机械和器材制造业           Electrical Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Industry 53.85     3.30     72.46     -0.57     -0.58 93.45    
  计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业          Telecommunication Equipment, Computer and  33.33     7.57     77.76     14.92     13.73 102.62    
               Other Electronic Product            
  仪器仪表制造业          Equipments and Instruments Manufacturing   6.62     48.11     11.89     10.73 99.81    
  其他制造业          Other Mafufacturing Industry   1.00     35.91     3.25     3.43 100.25    
  废弃资源综合利用业            Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Resources            
  金属制品、机械和设备修理业          Metal products, Machinery and Equipment Repair Industry 20.00     9.17     84.47     4.15     4.06 99.26    
 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业      Production and Supply of Electricity, Heat, Gas and Water 39.09     10.43     78.31     7.04     6.67 97.76    
  电力、热力生产和供应业          Production and Supply of Electricity and Heat 31.82     10.98     79.23     7.00     6.67 98.10    
  燃气生产和供应业            Production and Supply of Gas  44.44     7.33     79.43     12.50     10.50 90.96    
  水的生产和供应业            Production and Supply of Water 84.62     -0.65     43.70     -9.82     -11.18 98.32