4-4 城镇居民家庭平均每人全年消费性支出及构成
项  目 Item 2005 2010 2013
消费性支出(元)                                           Living Expenditure (yuan) 6342.63    9792.65    13166.19   
一、食                                                   Food 2056.79    3052.57    3676.65   
         1.粮油类                                                 Grain, Oil and Fats 376.96    587.07    669.97   
         2.肉禽蛋水产品类                                                 Meats, Poultry, Eggs and  Aquatic Products  392.56    579.54    675.13   
         3. 蔬菜类                                                 Vegetables 247.57    347.90    377.24   
         4.调味品                                                 Seasoning 24.45    47.78    51.94   
         5.糖烟酒饮料类                                                Sugar, Tobacco, Liquor and Drinking 233.64    368.78    508.71   
         6.干鲜瓜果类                                                  Dry and Fresh Fruits 144.14    289.15    358.16   
         7. 糕点、奶及奶制品      Cakes, Milk and Milk Products 199.68    239.24    308.62   
         8. 其他食品      Other Foods 31.97    62.66    92.57   
         9. 饮食服务      Catering Service 405.82    530.45    634.31   
二、衣                                                   Clothing 933.03    1205.89    1627.53   
三、居                                                   Residence 727.91    1245.00    1612.36   
四、家庭设备用品及服务                                     Household Facilities, Articles and Services 359.44    612.59    870.91   
五、医疗保健                                               Health Care 538.70    774.89    1020.61   
六、交通和通信                                          Transportation and Communication 604.35    1340.90    1775.85   
七、教育文化娱乐服务                                   Education, Culture and Recreation Services 932.53    1229.68    2065.44   
八、杂项商品和服务                                         Miscellaneous Commodities and Services 189.88    331.14    516.84   
消费性支出构成 (%)                                       Composition of Living Expenditure(%) 100.00    100.00    100.00   
一、食                                                   Food 32.43    31.17    27.92   
         1.粮油类                                                 Grain, Oil and Fats 5.94    6.00    5.09   
         2.肉禽蛋水产品类                                                 Meats, Poultry, Eggs and  Aquatic Products  6.19    5.92    5.13   
         3. 蔬菜类                                                 Vegetables 3.90    3.55    2.87   
         4.调味品                                                Seasoning 0.39    0.49    0.39   
         5.糖烟酒饮料类                                               Sugar, Tobacco, Liquor and Drinking 3.68    3.77    3.86   
         6.干鲜瓜果类                                                 Dry and Fresh Fruits 2.27    2.95    2.72   
         7. 糕点、奶及奶制品     Cakes, Milk and Milk Products 3.15    2.44    2.34   
         8. 其他食品     Other Foods 0.50    0.64    0.70   
         9. 饮食服务     Catering Service 6.40    5.42    4.82   
二、衣                                                   Clothing 14.71    12.31    12.36   
三、居                                                   Residence 11.48    12.71    12.25   
四、家庭设备用品及服务                                     Household Facilities, Articles and Services 5.67    6.26    6.61   
五、医疗保健                                               Health Care 8.49    7.91    7.75   
六、交通和通信                            Transportation and Communication 9.53    13.69    13.49   
七、教育文化娱乐服务                                   Education,Culture and Recreation Services 14.70    12.56    15.69   
八、杂项商品和服务                                         Miscellaneous Commodities and Services 2.99    3.38    3.93