5-2 财政专户管理资金收支额(2013年)
单位:万元   (10 000 yuan)
项  目 Item 金 额
 收入合计      Total Revenue 756992   
 一、行政事业性收费收入 Revenue from Administrative and Institutional Fees 635881   
 二、其他收入 Other Revenue 121111   
           #彩票发行机构和彩票  Business Expenses from Lottery Agencies and Lottery  25413   
                 销售机构的业务费用   Sale Agencies
 支出合计      Total Expenditure 728161   
 一、一般公共服务 Expenditure for General Public Services 4745   
 二、国    Expenditure for National Defence  
 三、公共安全 Expenditure for Public Security 3798   
 四、教 育 Expenditure for Education 550718   
 五、科学技术 Expenditure for Science and Technology 14   
 六、文化体育与传媒 Expenditure for Culture, Sports and Media  2890   
 七、社会保障和就业 Expenditure for Social Security and Employment 5706   
 八、医疗卫生 Expenditure for Medical and Health Care 8178   
 九、节能环保 Expenditure for Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection 6   
 十、城乡社区事务 Expenditure for Urban and Rural Community Affairs 10878   
 十一、农林水事务 Expenditure for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Convercy 5762   
 十二、交通运输 Expenditure for Transportation 95   
 十三、资源勘探电力信息等事务 Expenditure for Resources Exploration, Power and Information Affairs 11661   
 十四、商业服务业等事务 Expenditure for Business and Service  Affairs 5070   
 十五、金融监管等事务 Expenditure for Financial Supervision Affairs 1000   
 十六、国土资源气象等事务 Expenditure for Land Resource and Meteorology Affairs  404   
 十七、住房保障支出 Expenditure for Housing Security 264   
 十八、粮油物资偹备事务 Expenditure for  Cereals, Oils and Material Reserves  
 十九、其他支出 Other Expenditures 116972