7-3 按登记注册类型和控股情况分全社会固定资产投资
单位:万元     (10 000 yuan)
指  标 Item 2012 2013
    总 计               Total 91763142      112002376     
按登记注册类型分       Grouped by Type of Registration Status    
 内 资                                                 Domestic-Funded Enterprises 90103668      110673259     
  国 有                  State-owned Enterprises 37162900      41916496     
  集 体                  Collective-owned Enterprises 3912227      5456690     
  股份合作                  Share Cooperative Enterprises 735552      696018     
        国有联营                  State Joint Ownership Enterprises 417527      279731     
        集体联营                  Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises 55919      40874     
        国有与集体联营                  Joint State-collective Enterprises 77182      76274     
        其他联营                  Other Joint Ownership Enterprises 35941      64240     
        国有独资公司                  State-funded Corporations 1242814      1240650     
        其他有限责任公司                  Other Limited Liability Corporations 22247782      24974440     
        股份有限公司                  Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 4837681      6731322     
        私 营                  Private Enterprises 14654482      21538081     
        个体户                  Self-employed Individuals 2941664      3148489     
        个人合伙                  Individual  Partnership Enterprises 108778      328381     
        其 他                  Others 1673219      4181573     
 港澳台投资                                           Enterprises with Investment from Hong Kong,  897412      724651     
                   Macao and Taiwan    
  港澳台合资经营                  Joint-venture Enterprises 199154      198933     
  港澳台合作经营                  Cooperative Enterprises 1220      2500     
  港澳台独资                  Enterprises with Sole Investment  326241      415699     
  港澳台股份有限                  Share-holding Corporations Ltd.  111009      68443     
        其他港、澳、台商投资企业                  Others 259788      39076     
    外商投资                                             Enterprises with Foreign Investment 762062      604466     
  外商合资经营                  Joint-venture Enterprises 251545      93361     
  外商合作经营                  Cooperative Enterprises 104539      187718     
  外商独资                  Enterprises with Sole Foreign Investment 350966      232331     
  外商股份有限                  Share Corporations Ltd. 52031      65421     
        其他外商投资企业                  Others 2981      25635     
按控股情况分       Grouped by Share Holding    
 国有控股            State-owned Enterprises 45212240      50351409     
 集体控股            Collective-owned Enterprises 6381563      8320664     
 私人控股            Private Enterprises 35218548      45540056     
 港澳台商控股            Enterprises with Investment from Hong Kong,  519031      548057     
                 Macao and Taiwan    
 外商控股             Enterprises with Foreign Investment 545711      434343     
 其 他            Others 3886049      6807847