9-14 畜牧业生产情况
指  标 Item 2005 2010 2013
一、大牲畜年末存栏 (万头) Larger Animals at Year-end (10 000 heads) 312.67   127.64   123.86  
         1.牛       (万头)     Cattle and Buffaloes (10 000 heads) 245.22   90.10   94.81  
          #良种及改良种乳牛      Milch Cows of Fine Breed and Improved Varieties 29.87   28.80   32.06  
         2.马       (万匹)     Horses  (10 000 heads) 3.90   1.71   1.50  
         3.驴       (万头)     Donkeys (10 000 heads) 32.43   18.87   15.60  
         4.骡       (万头)     Mules   (10 000 heads) 31.11   16.96   11.90  
二、猪年末存栏          (万头) Hogs at Year-end (10 000 heads) 626.07   474.84   502.18  
           #能繁殖的母猪           Reproducible Hogs 55.72   53.54   58.03  
三、羊年末存栏          (万只) Sheep and Goats at Year-end (10 000 heads) 1196.35   734.70   877.97  
         1.山                     Goats 488.82   353.40   387.45  
         2.绵                     Sheep 707.52   381.30   490.52  
四、家禽年末存栏      (万只) Poultry at Year-end (10 000 heads) 8338.60   5694.68   9294.47  
五、养兔年末存栏      (万只) Rabbits at Year-end (10 000 heads) 308.80   322.09   282.53  
六、猪、牛、羊出栏            Slaughtered Hogs, Cattle Buffaloes and Sheep      
            猪全年出栏      (万头)  Slaughtered Hog in the Year (10 000 heads) 805.23   683.97   786.16  
            牛全年出栏      (万头)  Slaughtered Cattle Buffaloes in the Year (10 000 heads) 73.45   34.98   36.07  
            羊全年出栏      (万只)  Slaughtered Mutton in the Year (10 000 heads) 673.52   405.60   446.22  
七、当年肉类总产量 (万吨) Total Output of Meat (10 000 tons) 90.59   72.44   83.21  
           #猪肉产量           Pork 60.97   53.09   61.17  
             牛肉产量           Beef 10.07   4.92   5.20  
             羊肉产量           Mutton 9.96   5.60   6.20  
             禽肉产量           Poultry 7.85   7.11   9.09  
             兔肉产量           Rabbit 0.74   0.75   0.80  
八、畜禽产品产量  (吨)         Output of  Animal and Poulty Products  (ton)      
         1.奶                       Milk  737541   749374   872119  
              #牛 奶              Cow Milk 712781   732250   862090  
         2.绵羊毛产量           Sheep Wool 8805   7094   7608  
         3.山羊毛产量           Goat Wool 1740   1285   1254  
         4.羊绒产量               Cashmere 795   666   787  
         5.禽蛋产量               Poultry Eggs 568789   706836   798921  
         6.蜂蜜产量               Honey  2812   3156   4564  
         7.蚕茧产量               Silkworm Cocoons 4340   5384   6227