7-9 城镇居民家庭平均每人全年消费性支出(2012年)    
按收入等级分组 (by level of income)

Lowest Income
低 收入 户
Low Income
Lower Middle
Income Households
Middle Income
Upper Middle
Income Households
高 收入 户
High Income
Highest Income
消费性支出(元)    Total Living Expenditure (yuan) 12211.53   5933.27   5041.82   7431.99   9561.47   11795.94   15646.96   18277.58   25723.52  
一、食 品          Food 3855.56   2197.26   1901.15   2717.04   3349.28   3899.95   4851.71   5489.99   6020.56  
        #1.粮 食            Grain 421.97   369.54   357.55   357.60   424.27   429.04   447.66   513.07   439.55  
          2.油脂类            Oil and Fats 117.58   110.06   108.02   92.97   120.50   120.91   126.50   144.19   104.78  
          3.肉禽及制品        Meat, Poultry and Related Products 546.45   314.83   274.96   391.71   480.01   562.33   689.27   781.93   786.53  
          4.蛋 类            Eggs 106.60   74.10   71.29   86.06   99.60   114.34   128.50   128.56   126.05  
          5.水产品类          Aquatic Products 73.25   32.41   25.76   50.01   58.98   73.27   92.14   121.22   129.97  
          6.菜 类            Vegetables 383.69   270.81   243.59   291.83   352.45   383.84   465.51   502.71   512.80  
          7.烟草类            Tobacco 255.65   150.24   124.94   151.97   211.76   258.47   337.33   395.18   394.01  
          8.酒和饮料          Liquor and Beverages 186.72   84.64   73.03   90.76   154.48   169.75   200.35   349.49   455.92  
          9.干鲜瓜果类        Dried and Fresh Melons and Fruits 402.92   184.15   156.55   261.02   360.72   438.68   501.46   610.87   611.34  
         10.奶及奶制品       Milk and Dairy Products 209.63   107.90   94.82   155.35   198.86   214.50   267.23   271.40   308.50  
         11.饮食服务        Dining Out 733.47   242.00   134.91   453.77   503.37   700.43   1093.00   1115.32   1595.36  
二、衣 着        Clothing 1529.47   683.36   565.79   922.45   1201.79   1511.91   1799.05   2410.09   3473.41  
           #服 装             Garments 1143.34   496.36   411.20   659.31   876.29   1102.58   1346.64   1818.73   2786.86  
             衣着材料     Clothing Materials 9.26   2.65   3.05   5.51   6.02   10.47   14.14   16.90   13.72  
三、居 住          Residence 1438.88   1003.76   915.92   898.45   1179.96   1411.21   1765.87   2050.27   2503.35  
           #住 房            Housing 362.83   146.32   133.82   101.51   165.48   340.90   494.03   751.86   1061.00  
             水、电、燃料其他      Water, Electricity, Fuels and Others 986.78   811.27   741.73   745.10   941.55   976.51   1154.89   1138.70   1321.47  
四、家庭设备用品及服务  Household Facilities, Articles and Services 832.52   278.60   265.22   419.00   549.58   898.58   988.92   1664.52   1851.96  
           #耐用消费品         Durable Consumer Goods 384.47   80.19   71.84   122.80   193.67   446.48   426.80   947.42   1005.35  
五、医疗保健        Health Care 905.88   359.53   279.12   487.26   673.14   864.04   1473.16   1116.26   1868.76  
六、交通和通信 Transportation and Communication 1672.29   508.52   368.91   879.96   1203.61   1405.24   2233.70   2327.25   5203.76  
七、教育文化娱乐服务    Education, Culture and Recreation Services 1506.20   769.98   628.92   892.31   1089.57   1450.86   1954.26   2252.06   3345.45  
         1.耐用消费品         Durable Consumer Goods 380.90   110.71   79.62   159.91   299.87   324.17   457.10   691.39   1108.52  
         2.教                 Education 719.76   562.85   464.68   603.32   550.13   770.42   922.92   860.98   913.96  
         3.文化娱乐           Culture and Recreation 405.54   96.43   84.62   129.09   239.57   356.27   574.24   699.69   1322.96  
八、杂项商品和服务  Miscellaneous Commodities and Services 470.72   132.27   116.79   215.52   314.56   354.16   580.29   967.14   1456.28  
按户主职业分组 ( by occupation)
按家庭规模分组 (by scale of household)
按收入等级分组 ( by level of income)
按人均月可支配收入分组 ( by level of income)